Monday, June 9, 2008

Jim one error made on your blog

Jim one error was made on your blog.

One mistake you made on your blog (yes I actually read it today), I don't care about anyone’s credit nor do I care about fixing anyone’s credit. That is a link to a site that my friend started and he wanted the free advertisement.

I have been following several other cases for sometime and now want to combine them all into my blog. I don’t have the time to continue with several different blogs on all the cases I follow. So now everything is combined into one blog and I can discuss all the cases in one place.

As for my silence, I have not been posting about Harlow or Joe for some amount of time. I grew very tired of all the BS one has to deal with regarding that case. I have got to the point to where I don’t care about this case anymore.

People think they know what I think about this case and what my opinions are of this case and honestly they have no clue as to what I actually think.

Needless to say that does not stop the made up BS being posted on a regular basis regarding this case.

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