Sunday, June 29, 2008

Lethal Injection in Florida

Lethal Injection could be tested Tuesday in Florida

According to reports, Florida is set to test the new lethal injection procedures on Tuesday. This will be the first time Florida has executed an inmate since the lethal injection of Angel Diaz. Officials said his execution was botched. The report shows it took 34 minutes, twice as long as usual for an inmate to die. Some experts said the delay would cause intense pain.

What idiot said that? And by the way, who cares? Did Angel Diaz care when he committed a crime and his ultimate punishment was lethal injection? Did Angel Diaz care about the pain and suffering he inflicted? Ok sorry about that, have to rant and rave for a minute, now back to the story…

Florida now has a new procedure in place and they have had “mock” executions to test it out.

The New Procedure

Have medically trained personnel to start an IV and ensure IV is properly placed.

Once IV is in place administer Sodium Pentothal.

Now the warden must ensure the inmate is unconscious (what happened to the medically trained personnel)

The executioner will then inject Pancuronium Bromide, which will paralyze the muscles.

Then they can inject Potassium Chloride to stop the inmate’s heart.

And lastly it states that medically trained personnel be involved in the process.
Granted this is not the entire policy.

The corrections department said its mock exercises have included preparation for potential problems such as a combative inmate, the incapacity of an execution team member, power failure and finding a vein.

"Training for the unexpected is not a failed mock execution," said Gretl Plessinger, a corrections department spokeswoman. "We're planning for contingencies."

Now one question I have is how do you test the death penalty by lethal injection?

Does one actually get to volunteer to be an inmate and get strapped down to the stretcher?

Do they use someone on death row to test the new policy and procedure?

Would you want to be the one to volunteer to have the procedure tested on you?


Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

thanks for the link.