Sunday, June 15, 2008

Man kills infant

Man kills baby and is shot to death by police
Sunday, June 15, 2008

According to reports at least 12 people witnessed a 27 year old man beat a baby to death.

Right outside of Turlock, the 27 year old man parked his truck facing west in the eastbound lane.

The 27 year old was seen brutally beating the baby. The baby boy appeared to be between 12 and 24 months old.

Neither the victim nor suspect will be identified until later. The baby was so badly beaten; he will have to be identified by DNA because he was beaten beyond recognition.

The call was apparently in a remote location and the first unit on scene was a police helicopter. The helicopter landed in a cow pasture. The pilot was a sheriff's deputy and the tactical flight officer was a Modesto city police officer.

Once the helicopter landed the flight officer ran about 20 yards and ordered the man to stop beating the baby, the man continued his assault on the infant and the police officer shot and almost immediately killed him.

A spokesperson at the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office said the suspect had tunnel vision. As people tried to intervene, attempted to tackle him, he just went back to doing anything and everything he could do to the baby.

Witnesses seen the man punch, kick, shake and stomp the baby on the pavement.

Paramedics from a nearby station arrived a few minutes later and tried desperately to resuscitate the child. The baby was transported to Emanuel Medical Center in Turlock. Despite this effort, baby died before arrival at the hospital.

By the time the ambulance had left the scene, Singh said, nearly a dozen people had witnessed some part of the incident, with at least two trying to physically stop the suspect.

"The two officers on the helicopter, they were pretty shook up about it," Singh said. "We have to kind of expect this in our line of work. But for people who were just driving home, they weren't prepared for this. They're watching a helpless baby die in front of them and they're trying to intervene, but all their efforts aren't doing anything."


brotherhead said...

This is exactly why police officers carry guns. I am glad that the officer shot that man. I would give my right arm to thank that officer face to face. Could you imagine if that man had lived? We would have paid to keep him in prison..... then with our just judicial system, he probably would have walked. From a father of three, I would also like to thank the people that tried to stop him.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment.

I agree and wish I could personally thank the officers and by standers for trying to help the baby.

I could not imagine seeing a scene like that take place. (Even after all of my years of Public Service)

Sadly no one shot and killed this man before he killed the baby.

Still now I find my own post sickening to think that someone could actually be that cruel and vicious.

I’m still somewhat surprised that some group has not been shouting police brutality.

Thanks for the comment..
