Wednesday, June 25, 2008

More than 300 arrested in a prostitution operation

More than 300 arrested in a prostitution operation

Authorities have arrested more than 300 members of a prostitution operation and removed 21 juveniles from sex-selling rings according to the FBI
The sting or sweep was conducted in 16 cities nationwide over the last five days.

"Our top priority in these cases has always been to identify children victims and move swiftly to remove them from these dangerous environments," FBI Director Robert Mueller said.

Mueller said this week's sweeps bring to 433 the number of child victims recovered in the five years since the FBI began its Innocence Lost initiative. The program was designed to combat a growing problem of underage prostitution.

"These kids are victims. They lack the ability to walk away. This is the 21st-century slavery," said Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Allen said that about 1.6 million children run away from home each year, although most quickly return unharmed. Boys as young as 11 and girls as young as 12 are often targeted by prostitution rings.

He said that until federal authorities began to crack down on use of child prostitutes in recent years, many pimps and prostitute rings who felt pressure from local police simply moved their operations to other jurisdictions.

Authorities said that 290 of the 345 arrests made this week were adult prostitutes. Most will be charged with state crimes. However, increasingly, federal prosecutors have brought charges in cases involving juveniles because federal penalties are much harsher than state penalties, officials said.

Justice Department and FBI officials noted two cases in which individuals trafficking in child prostitution received life sentences.

The 16 cities and counties where raids were carried out this week are
Los Angeles, Sacramento and Oakland
California; Las Vegas
Reno, Nevada
Phoenix, Arizona
Houston and Dallas, Texas
Detroit, Michigan
Toledo, Ohio
Boston, Massachusetts
Montgomery County,
Atlanta, Georgia
Miami and Tampa, Florida

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