Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mother and son; Murdered.

Mother and son; Murdered.

In Minneapolis two teenagers are accused of two brutal murders.

Katricia Daniels, 36, was found dead with stab wounds and more than 100 cuts.
Robert Shepard, 10, her son, was found with a television smashed over his head.

The accused
Stafon Edward Thompson 17
Brian Lee Flowers, 16

Both from Minneapolis were charged with first-degree murder.

According to criminal complaints Thompson and Flowers were blaming each other. The investigators state they don’t know why this murder was committed and they may never know.

The accused claimed they knew Daniels through her 15 year old son. He lives in Chicago. The accused also claimed the motive for the murder was robbery; however, the only thing taken was the cell phone belonging to Daniels. Police were able to find then teens by calls made on the very cell phone they stole. The County Attorney denies the motive as robbery noting the extreme violence. The attorney said the level of violence associated with this crime is difficult to comprehend and difficult to imagine.

Joseph Williams, Daniels boyfriend, found the bodies on Thursday morning. Williams 1 year old daughter was at the house and she was found bloody but unharmed.

Daniels body was found in the bathroom and Shepard was in a bedroom.

According to reports, blood was splattered throughout the house. Police also found bloody foot prints, hand prints and finger prints. Police were able to recover two knives and a golf club in the house that they believed were used in the killings.

Police also recovered a knife from a garbage can in the alley.

Reports also stated that it appeared that Daniels had welcomed the teens into her home when they first arrived on June 11.

If convicted, the teens face life in prison without the possibility of parole.

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