Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sex with Teachers

Sex with Teachers

Recently we read that Adrienne LaFlamme, 60, was arrested after repeatedly having sex with minors. She was a science teacher at the Brevard county Juvenile Detention Center in Sharpes, Fl. She was charged with 15 counts of having unlawful sex with a minor.

She started a relationship with a 17 year old student when he was discharged from the center. Seems it was a short 4 week relationship. But she was able to have a 3 some with an additional boy that is 14 years old.

Now part of this story that does not make sense is the mother, yes the mother, stated that LaFlamme would pick up her son from their home and take him back to her house to have sex. If this was an issue, why did the mom not step in instead of waiting to give a statement to the police? Police did say LaFlamme let the teen use her vehicle and when she learned of the investigation, she reported the car stolen and also then asked the teen to lie about the drug use since she could lose her job over that.

Police have arrested a female middle school teacher for allegedly engaging in sex acts with a 14-year-old male student.
The Miami-Dade Police Department's Sexual Crimes Bureau arrested 40-year-old Mariella Brenlla, a school teacher at Ponce De Leon Middle School, for lewd and lascivious battery on a then teenage boy.
Police say the pair had sex at various locations within Miami-Dade County during the 2002-2003 school year. The victim was attending eighth grade at Ponce De Leon when the sexual battery occurred. "During that time frame, she engaged in sexual activity with the 14-year-old, white male on different occasions,"

A Mississippi teacher admitted to cops that she had sex with a 15-year-old male student to whom she sent explicit text messages and trysted with in her Jaguar, which bore the license plate "GRRRRR." Those are just some of the sleazy details in a Biloxi Police Department report detailing Rebecca Dawn Bogard's alleged sexual assault of the boy, who the 27-year-old educator taught at the Biloxi Alternative School (which is as a school for troubled teens). According to the document, Bogard referred to the teenager as "her little 'sex fiend'" in one text message. Investigators were contacted by the boy's mother after she discovered raunchy messages on the boy's phone, including one from a "Dawn" who wrote, "I love you, yeah it was the best, which night was the best 4 you, I'm sensitive but not sore, you were good..." Bogard, pictured in the mug shot at right, is facing felony sexual battery charges. She has been suspended with pay and is free on $50,000 bail.

A theology teacher and girls' soccer and volleyball coach at Vail Christian High School has been arrested on charges of having "an inappropriate sexual relationship" with a female student, according to the Eagle County Sheriff's Office.
John "Jamie" Allen, 27, of Edwards, Colo., was arrested at his father's home in California Friday on suspicion of felony sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust, authorities said.

Parents of students attending VCHS were notified by the school that Allen resigned from his teaching position the night before his arrest.

Sheriff's Lt. Mike McWilliam said deputies began investigating after the girl wrote an e-mail to Allen saying she wanted to end the alleged relationship, but she accidentally sent it to a man in Florida with a similar address. He reported it to authorities.
Investigators traced the e-mail to the Colorado student and interviewed her before obtaining an arrest warrant for Allen.

Osceola County teacher was arrested on sex charges Friday after deputies said she had sexual relations with an underage former student.

Deputies began investigating Narcoossee Community School Sarah Elizabeth Joel, 31, Friday morning, after a Harmony High School teacher told deputies that one of her students was suspected of having sex with his former teacher, according to a sheriff's charging affidavit.

During a tape-recorded interview, the student told an investigator that he and Joel stayed in touch after last school year and he became a friend of her family, the report states. When he called Joel to talk about his problems, Joel would pick him up and take him to her home.

"One thing led to another," the teen told investigators. He said the encounters took place at Joel's St. Cloud home during September, when he was 15.

Joel first told deputies during a sworn interview that they did not have sex, but later admitted to two encounters during Christmas break, when the former student was 16. She was arrested at school district headquarters in Kissimmee.

A Cleveland teacher was arrested Friday after Johnston Sheriff's officials learned she allegedly had sex with an 11-year-old student in 2003.

According to The News & Observer, the teacher also had an affair with the boy's father.

A sheriff's office spokeswoman said Rebecca Sue Withrow, 30, of 265 Cambridge Drive, Clayton, is charged with first-degree rape of a child, indecent liberties with a child and sex offense with a student. She is accused of performing sex acts with one of her fifth-grade students at Polenta Elementary School near Cleveland.

"Yes, she was his fifth-grade teacher, "It happened back in 2003, but it just came to light. (The student) confided in his mom and she reported it to the sheriff's department and the school system."

Ms. Withrow, 26 at the time of the alleged rape, resigned her position with Johnston County Schools during the investigation.

According to a police report, Ms. Withrow is not married and has no children. She is currently unemployed.

In a last-minute effort to keep herself out of prison, a 25-year-old middle school teacher pleaded guilty Tuesday to having sex with a 14-year-old.
Debra Lafave, a former remedial reading teacher at Greco Middle School in Temple Terrace, Florida, pleaded guilty to two counts of lewd and lascivious behavior, and was sentenced to three years of house arrest followed by seven years probation. She also must register as a sex offender.
She could have faced up to 15 years for each count filed in Hillsborough County. She also could have been charged in Marion County, because one of the incidents happened there.
"I want to apologize to the court, to the young man involved and to his family for my actions," Lafave said. "I accept full responsibility for my actions, and I am very sorry for everything which has occurred."
A 14-year-old boy told investigators he had sex with Lafave three times in four days in June 2004, according to court documents. One of those times was in a car while his 15-year-old cousin drove them around, he told authorities.
He also said she performed oral sex on him multiple times, including once at her home, the documents said.
And then she is back in the news
Debra Lafave, a former Florida middle school teacher convicted of having sex with a student, was arrested Tuesday for "inappropriate but non-sexual contact" with a teenage coworker, the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said.
The association violated the terms of Lafave's probation, which forbade her to have contact with anyone under 18, the sheriff's office said.
She was released on her own recognizance.
Lafave and her mother, Joyce Beasley, had no comment as they left the jail.
"I can only characterize this as somewhat of a bizarre and unusual violation," said Lafave's attorney, John Fitzgibbons.
Lafave, 27, pleaded guilty in November 2005 to having sex with a 14-year-old boy and was sentenced to three years under house arrest and seven years of probation.
Lafave was also required to register as a sex offender and abide by numerous conditions.
She was arrested after corrections officers interviewed a 17-year-old girl, who worked at a restaurant where Lafave had been employed since January 2006, according to the violation report from Florida's Corrections Department.
The teenager told the officers that Lafave discussed "non-work related issues such as family problems, friends, high school, personal life, boyfriend issues and sexual issues in both private one-on-one conversations" with her and in group settings, according to the report.
"I would characterize this simply as 'girl talk,' or 'guy talk,' if you will, among fellow employees, that all of us do every day," Fitzgibbons said. "This is it. There's no more, there's no less. ... I would describe it as simply a workplace friendship."
The co-worker will turn 18 on January 2, Fitzgibbons said.
Lafave refused to make a statement regarding the allegations, the document said.
She was ordered to quit the restaurant job and now works as a receptionist in her mother's barber shop, the report said.
Lafave says she suffers from bipolar disorder and is receiving treatment.
Fitzgibbons said his client has done everything required of her, living with her parents and leaving only to go to work. She has done so well on two years of house arrest, he said, that he has been planning to ask that the third year be waived.

Fitzgibbons said he still intends to make that request, and hopes Lafave's arrest will not hurt that effort -- "I would hope that the court would be understanding."
"She's really tried hard, so it's upsetting to her," he said of the arrest, but noted it was "unheard of" for someone on probation for a sexual offense to be released on her own recognizance

I love the comments on this last one; she’s really tried hard, so it’s upsetting to her. Well maybe we could help and give her some advice so things will not be so hard on her.

STOP BREAKING THE LAW. Seems if she could follow this simple request of the courts she would not be so upset.

Then the issue also came up to if she was treated equally and fairly by the courts. I wonder what would have happened if this case involved a male teacher and a female student.

What are your thoughts on this topic?

From reading comments from people I have read

- I wish this had been my teacher when I was that age
- Nothing wrong with it
- Fire the perv
- Put them in jail for the rest of their life.

So what are your thoughts on this topic?


Hall Monitor said...

All of the stories and more end up on It's the leader for crazy news in public schools and education.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the 411...

I did add a link to my blogroll for your site.