Sunday, October 26, 2008

Stupid Criminals = Quick Arrest

Stupid Criminals = Quick Arrest.

Hector Raimundo Guzman Velez, 36, of Puerto Rico has been arrested in Orlando.
On October 18, Hector decided he wanted to take a trip, so he heads out to the Orlando International Airport.

Once Hector arrived at the airport, he found Renee Dickinson returning to her car after she had landed from a business trip she was on.

Hector approached Dickinson and demanded her purse and money. Dickinson did not immediately comply so Hector being the smart criminal he is decided to beat her over the head with what appeared to be a gun.

Dickinson was transported to the hospital following her robbery/assault and Hector of course fled the scene.

Later Police found Hectors gun, turned out to be a BB gun.

Now it’s bad enough you want to rob and beat someone, but with a BB gun. With the gun problem in Orlando all he could come up with was a BB gun? I guess we should be thankful there was not any other weapons involved and no one was more seriously injured.

The victim and witness (smart robbing/beating someone in front of witnesses) were able to give police a description of the suspect and that he was in a Jeep Liberty.

The police elected to return to the airport the following day for video footage of the crimes. (Why would you rob/beat someone in an area where you know the cameras are watching everything?)

As the detective arrived at the parking garage guess who he seen?? Do you give up? LOL

That’s right it was Hector, returned to the scene of the crime. The detective was able to get the tag number (which was reported as stolen if you can believe that) and was able to tell the driver fit the description of the suspect. The Jeep Liberty fled the scene and got away.

Even though he escaped arrest at that time, poor Hector was still arrested on Thursday.

Poor Hector, just could not get anything right with this crime. Even though Hector made many mistakes in this crime, he was still nice enough to help the investigators prove their case against him.

When Hector was arrested on Thursday, guess what he had in his pocket…

The keys to the stolen Jeep Liberty and if that wasn’t bad enough take a wild guess what investigators found inside the stolen Jeep. Hectors driver’s license. That right, he kept the key in his pocket and left the license in the stolen Jeep. Now wasn’t that nice of Hector to help out in the investigation against him. LOL.

Even though Hector was nice enough to help out the police so much in the case against him, I don’t think it made much of a difference. Hector was all over the airport surveillance system and police were able to recover his pictures from the videos.

Stupid Criminals = Quick Arrest. Hector never stood a chance of getting away with these crimes. Stupid Criminals = Quick Arrest.

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