Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Joshua Rosa

Joshua Rosa

Shortly after posting the poll on Joshua Rosa, I asked for people to leave me some comments as to why they thought he was innocent.

There have been several votes as you can see but no one has taken the time to post why they think he is innocent.

I did get a few emails that just said he was a nice guy basically and no one went into any detail as to why they thought he was innocent.

Is there something that I missed in the trial?

I know the defense was in the paper stating the wrong person had been arrested and since I never got to see the defense part of the trial I wanted to know why so many have decided that he was innocent.

So True Crime Cases has been doing some foot work in an attempt to get more information on this case.

We are waiting on some responses and then will probably do another post if we do in fact get other information to post.

Anyway, if you would like to send comments you can email me or leave them posted on the blog.

Thanks for reading

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