Not in a good way mind you. Vicks is now in the headlines and the story revolves around his loses that arose from his convictions.
The paper said Vicks “lives in a prison in Kansas” The media reported that Vicks recently reported a total monthly income of $12.89.
Quite a change from what he was use to making in a month.
The media reported his income and debt.
In 2006 they reported that Vicks only made $15 million. That’s when Vicks would say a $1,000 check to his mom was “chump change”
Now it’s reported that he owes the State of Georgia nearly $1 million in back taxes.
They claim Vicks has assets of $16 million but now owes creditors $20.3 million. It was reported that Vicks had spent $18 million over the last two years along as he bounced from business deal to business deal.
Now if that wasn’t bad enough his $60,000 race horse died as well. It was reported that the horse died from colic.
Anyway, I’m obviously not an animal owner (used to own a pure breed Dalmatian) but I really don’t see this all happening over dogs.
People claim our system is screwed up and I think this is a prime example of part of what’s wrong with our system. There has to be more strict sentencing guidelines in place to ensure everyone is treated equally and fairly in our court systems.
Just compare cases here on True Crime Cases
Look at the juvenile arrested for charges related to attempted murder, walked right out of the jail in less than 12 hours after his arrest.
Look at the Onstott case, he was a sexual predator from charges of sexual activities with his own daughter, had a violent past and was recently acquitted from violently cutting a mans face with a machete. Then he murdered and attempted to rape Sarah Lunde. Where was our justice system then, they could have saved a young girls life if he had been put in prison
Look at the case in Pasco County where the young mother placed her newborn baby she had at home with no medical attention. After she had the baby, she placed the newborn in a plastic container and sealed the infant in the container. The baby died. Then hours later she rushed the baby to the emergency room and later in court, she got a smack on the wrist. Walked out a free women and the judge said it was because the boyfriend (father) did not want charges pressed on the girl. She walked away a free woman.
Where was the justice in that case? She lost absolutely nothing for murdering a newborn infant.
Anyway, this case is something. Just not sure what it is though. One would like to think that we as people would place a lot more value on human life and not so much on a dog.
I know all the animal activists are happy with what happened, I personally think they need to get a life and actually worry about and fight for issues that need desperate attention.
But to each their own as the old saying goes
I am an animal lover and yes I do have a life. To suggest that animal lovers do not care about crimes against people is a sweeping statement to say the very least.
Michael Vick and his dogfighting ring were terribly cruel. It has been proven that animal cruelty and domestic abuse often go hand in hand. Children certainly do not deserve to be beaten and killed. The justice system as a whole definitely needs to be overhauled to make the punishment fit the crime but I don't believe that Michael Vicks punishment is too severe for the horrible cruelty that he inflicted on his dogs. He did the dogfighting to make money so it is only fitting that he go bankrupt. If he wanted to go into a boxing ring and fight to the death then I say go for it. However, he was a coward and used dogs as a bloodsport.
Cruelty is cruelty, it is only one short step from cruelty to animals to cruelty to people.
WOW, how can one even respond to something like that?
You claim it’s only fair to see a man loose everything over dogs yet at the same time the people that are actually killing a fellow human being is being smacked on the wrist and getting nothing for their crimes against people.
And you think this is fair? WOW.
I think it’s pretty sad that someone could honestly hold a dog in a higher position than a fellow human being.
Where did you get your research from? Cruelty is cruelty; it is only one short step from cruelty to animals to cruelty to people.
Maybe it was written by an animal activist, of course then it would make perfect sense.
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