As you know from reading my blog, I usually never get into politic and certainly don’t want to start discussions of the election.
While we made history this election, it was also the first election I did not vote in. Both candidates for president pretty much made me sick to watch on TV.
Neither could answer a question during the debates without saying the words, my opponent done this, my opponent done that or my opponent voted to support something our president has done.
First of all, who cares? I was more interested in what can you do, not what your opponent has done. I wanted to hear what you were going to do to make changes to make things better.
What I have come to realize is that even though everyone wants to blame President Bush for everything that went wrong, they seem to think 1 man is going to change everything they are blaming President Bush for. Right now we only have a handful of political promises.
How messed up is that? We blame 1 man for everything wrong in the world and yet we think 1 man is going to change the world that we live in. Now granted he has made a lot of promises and already in the media it has been reported that he does not think he can take the action on some of the promises he campaigned for.
Same song, same dance every election. We get someone that promises everything and seems to deliver very little.
One thing I was glad to see our president elect say had to do with the bail out plan.
He said, let some of the executives take pay cuts to save there companies.
The bail outs I disagree with to no end. These companies deserve whatever may happen to them. The companies made the prices so outrageous that the every day working man had no choice but to elect not to buy.
The companies made millions and now they want us to give them a handout to save the company. Screw the company. They certainly don’t care about what they have done to the working man, why should we care about what they need to stay in business.
Like the realtors, I had to laugh at them when they were in the papers crying the blues because they could not sale a house.
Lets see on house I tried to buy was sold out from under me even though I had signed a contract. Then I was told there was nothing I could do about that.
The price was set right and after researching the property, the sale price was only a thousand more than what the current owners paid for it less than 5 years before.
Another house I looked at and wanted to buy was listed and the realtor showed me the house and told me the asking price. The asking price was over 100,000 more than what the current owner paid for the house 3 years before.
The house was in awful shape, needed a new roof. When the owner fell through the roof, he only replaced a section of rotten wood and then re-shingled it and claimed he put a new roof on the home. The home needed a new a/c, the ducks in the attic were full of holes and the owner could not figure out why his power bill was over 300a month.
The pool had cracks and the pump did not work properly. It actually blew a breaker when I was there and turned it own. There were shorts in the electrical system inside the home, flip a switch and you could hear the wire shorting out.
Now the owner said he was motivated to sale, but yet refused to make any repairs to the home. The owner said he would sale as is for a reduced price and the realtor refused to budge in the price. It would have been a good home to repair and flip. Even with the repairs, the home was only valued at 143,000. He was still asking 299,500 for the home.
The owner said it was because of the realtor and they had to get their fees for the sale of the home.
Now they think we should bail them out. I don’t understand. They made the market, they should have expected a crash in the market and yet all they can see are dollar signs in their eyes with that next sale. Or the lack of dollar signs in their eyes.
The car companies as well. They make a car and turn around and sale it for thousands in profit and cannot figure out why people cannot afford to run out a buy a new car.
The executives are making there million, but they think we should hand them money to help save the company.
Maybe, they should take a pay cut and save their own company, if they were willing to work with the customers more and actually live up to the advertisements they place and help any customer get any car the car companies would not be in the situation they are in right now.
But then the banks would suffer. They have to make their fare share of the market. Of course here in Florida a lot of banks have gone out of business. People just cannot afford to buy things like they use too. The companies have figured out how to make millions while only paying minimum wage to the employees.
Then of course the credit reporting companies and the unfair practices they use daily hinder people in their decisions to buy anything on credit. So a lot of big purchases are not made now because of the credit score. Even though the credit reports may or may not be correct they use that information to limit the number of people that can buy things on credit. God forbid if there are inaccurate items on your credit reports, I have items that have been on my credit report for over 10 years and still to this day I cannot get a response from anyone at any credit bureau to even figure out what the items are. Even though they have been disputed, letters have been written, complaints made but nothing has been done.
Now I had to laugh someone on the news because he was shocked 2 days after the gas prices started to fall they were all over the media saying they were surprised that the economy did not immediately improve. I guess he thought after months of struggling a 2 day price drop in gas prices would save the world. Once again some stupid analyst proving to the world he knows nothing about what’s happening in the world today.
I almost fell out of my chair laughing when they said that. Of course that was probably some analyst that was giving his analysis on something that had been analyzed by at least 15 other people. I hate watching TV anymore because it’s sickening to think that we are paying people a lot of money to analyze ever detail of everything in the world today.
Some of them hit the nail on the head so to speak, but this idiot in shock because a 2 day gas price decrease did not make an immediate improvement in the economy only proved how much of an idiot he truly was. Yet we continue to pay people to do jobs like this. Want to help the economy, use the money paying people like this idiot to do something good for the USA or help a mim. wage worker.
The prices forced people in a place of economic disaster. People had to choose to pay bills to have a place to live, food to eat or to buy gas. Guess what? People elected to take care of themselves and not the gas companies or any other company.

Just like StarBucks in the news reporting they are closing many stores and may go under. How could they expect to stay in business. They offer a product and charge such an high price, that it's cheaper to go to the store and buy your own coffee and enjoy it at home for pennies on the dollar compared to StarBucks. Not only StarBucks but look at all the businesses in the process of filing bankruptcy. I think it's funny. They no longer make the millions they want, so they elect to put their business in bankruptcy instead of lowering prices so the average American can afford to buy their product.
Now what I want to see is a personal bail out.
Why do we not start a bail out program for people? People that have suffered lose of car or home because of the economic problems.
Why not start a program for hard working Americans to get the assistance they need to live from day to day. People are working 2 or 3 jobs just to make it these days.
My dream as a medic was to work one job and make a living to support me and my family. I have come to realize that no one cares about my dream and the company I currently work for only cares about the profit they made every single day.
Never mind the fact that they are complaining they cannot call me anymore. I don’t even make enough money now to pay for a cell phone.
Of course there would have to be some serious regulations on the personal bail out program. Like people have to maintain employment. If they get fired or don’t work, they have to repay the money.
If they use any illegal drug, they are automatically disqualified.
If they use illegal activities to make money, they are disqualified.
I think it’s pretty sad that we the people are actually paying the save the companies that are part of the reason the economy is in the shape it’s in now.

Maybe we need to overhaul the entire system. Let people start off with a new credit score and keep prices down to where the minimum wage worker can afford to buy, then the economy would improve. When I say minimum wage worker that should include the people in a middle pay class as well. The average hard working American that only scrapes by from payday to payday trying to make a living.
Sadly that will never happen as long as the companies are allowed to pay employees minimum wage. I just wonder how many of the bail out dollars are going to help any employee v/s helping the executives maintain their yearly salaries and bonuses.
Of course I can see the companies saying they are helping the minimum wage workers by keeping the companies open, but how will that help a minimum wage worker as the executives continue to make millions.
It’s time to help the working American, not the companies that have caused us to be in such an awful economic state.
Ok that’s my opinion and hopefully I don’t start a lot of political blogging on my True Crime blog. Some of what is happening today to the average American is or should be criminal, but we will see what happens.
AKA The Jakester
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