The FBI said Eric Toth, 26, is one of the most dangerous men in America because of his education and his charm and ability to get close to families in order to exploit their children.
America’s Most Wanted has the case listed and asking people for help in finding Eric Toth.
Toth was able to work for some of the most influential and affluent families in Washington, DC. The FBI reported that Toth promised families he could help their children get into some of the area’s most prestigious schools. He was often successful.
Toth was able to land a job at a private elementary school. That’s when his secret was discovered.
A student at the school could not operate a digital camera and asked a teacher for assistance. The teacher was able to turn on the camera and was shocked to find pornographic images.
The FBI says those images were taken by Toth.
Toth was immediately escorted from the school and the FBI was called.
Did He Have An Escape Plan?
Agents say Eric Toth already had his escape plan in place.
After leaving school grounds Eric immediately went to his apartment, packed his bags, and drove to his parents' home in Indianapolis, Ind.
The FBI says his parents were unaware of his troubles in Washington. The next day, Toth disappeared again.
The FBI was able to track him to Madison, Wisc. where he purchased a GPS device and other navigational equipment.
A few days later, police found Toth’s abandoned car at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, but agents cannot confirm Toth was able to catch a flight or if the stunt was a ruse.
Toth excelled as a student and spent his first year at Cornell University. Students who knew him said Toth was a compulsive liar and bragged that he was actually a CIA agent and the agency was paying for him to attend Cornell.
When his lies caught up to him, Toth left Cornell and finished his education at Purdue University, majoring in Education.
There Could Be More Victims
The FBI is concerned there may be numerous victims, and they say Toth spent all his time around children.
Every summer he would work as a camp counseling and during the school year he would tutor students in math and English.
His charm would enable him to get close to families, especially the wealthy. The FBI says before he went on the run Toth was supposed to house sit for one family’s upscale Hamptons home in Long Island, N.Y.
They say Toth also blogs on education websites, and may advertise as a tutor on online classifieds sites
Eric Toth is 26, 6 foot 2 inches tall, 155 pounds, Brown hair and Green eyes and wears glasses.
Do you know where Eric Toth is?
If so click the link to report a tip to America’s Most Wanted or call your local police.
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