Well a mother in the Tampa Bay area is blaming the tough economy on her child’s near death experience.
Jeri Moss said she had to water down her baby’s formula to save money. The watered down formula almost killed her 5 month old.
According to media reports, pediatricians reported they expect to see more cases like this during our tough economic times.
The report said the baby, La’Damian Barton, had a seizure and stopped breathing.
After they arrived at the hospital, they diagnosed him with water intoxication and malnourishment.
Hospital officials reported this is something they see during tough economic times when people try to cut corners.
Jeri Moss was actually trying to make 10 cans of formula last all month. She was quoted as saying the formula is really expensive.
Doctors reported diluting the formula with water is dangerous. With the diluted formula the babies don’t get the calories they need to grow.
It was reported that La’Damian was 4 pounds under weight.
The water intoxication diluted the electrolytes in the blood. The brain can swell from the electrolyte imbalance and excess water. This condition can be fatal.
La’Damian spent several days on a ventilator but is expected to make a full recovery.
Moss says she had no idea she was hurting her son.
As a safety note to parents, pediatricians say the best thing to feed babies is breast milk. If that's not possible, try to use a pre-mixed formula.
They say infants shouldn't be given any additional water until they're at least 10-months-old.
It would be interesting to learn more about this case, find out if there is something that could be done to help out the mom.
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