Ryan Young, 26, decided it was time to come out of the closest and tell mom he was gay.
Apparently mom did not deal well with his coming out very well and wasn’t happy about it. But was that reason to kill her?
Well for Young it was. Young decided he wanted everything dear ol mom had and the only way he was going to get it was if dear ol mom was gone.
Young was broke and felt like he had no other options. So Young put his plan into action. Young suffocated his mother with a pillow and then tried to make it look like a random home burglary that turned fatal.
Now this part I don’t understand. Young suffocated mom with a pillow and yet he told investigators that he “didn’t mean to kill his mother.”
Now how in the world can you say you didn’t mean to kill mom and yet the manor in which he killed her was a slow drawn out process. It’s not like you put a pillow to someone’s face and they die instantly. One would think there would have been some struggle on mom’s part and at anytime he could have removed the pillow so mom could have lived.
But then the dilemma comes into play. If mom lived he got nothing and if she died he got everything. What does a murderer do? In Young’s case just hold the pillow there until mom is dead.
Now oddly enough even though mom is dead, Young will get nothing. His plan to inherent everything mom had vanished as the jury read the verdict.
Young was sentenced to life in prison.
I guess maybe it wasn’t the best time to come out as being gay, but hey who am I to say, he might find a suitable cellmate and live happily ever after.
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