Well maybe not too nice but they were pretty relaxed in the security at the jail. I would have never thought of Texas being that lenient on any criminal. With the states number in people going to the electric chair, I don’t understand any jail out there being so relaxed with security issues that it caused the jail to be closed down.
But in Northern Texas that is exactly what happened. A jail was closed and the 60 inmates have been transferred to other facilities. The FBI said the jail was closed because of dangerous conditions for jailers and inmates.
No one will comment on why the investigation started at the jail. I could only speculate that with the awesome conditions at the jail, the inmates spread the word to friends and fellow criminals that if they violated the law to go to Northern Texas to do it… lol
So what was wrong with the jail you ask?
To start some of the jail surveillance cameras’ cords has been disconnected. No one said if the jail staff or the inmates disconnected to cords, but none the less they were unplugged.

They still had cells that locked from inside. Reminds of me the Andy Griffith show. Inmates come in lock the door and leave when they are ready.
Some cells contained recliners. WOW. I don’t understand this one at all. Why would they allow recliners in the jail?
Some of the inmates were allowed to make a partition out of paper towels to block the jailers view inside of their cell.
And one of my favorite includes a homemade rack they found. The rack was made of nails.
Now if that wasn’t bad enough, it was also discovered that some inmates were allowed to use an extension cord to lock the deputies out of there cells.
And of course with the drug habits of some criminals, they found unidentified pills all over the jail cells.
One person said the conditions of the jail made him shiver. That’s pretty sad for a jail of all places to be so relaxed to make a person shiver at the sight of the condition of the jail.
I guess the new Sheriff, who was sworn in just hours before having all the inmates transferred out to another jail now has his hands full from his first few hours in office.
The jail remains closed and FBI officials said several people may be facing criminal charges, deputies and inmates alike.
Oh well, I guess it doesn’t pay to be a nice guy and let the criminals run the jail they occupy
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