Wednesday, April 1, 2009

St. Pete Crime… Is St. Petersburg Safe as the Chief of Police has reported?

Now granted I know that the public officials cannot scare everyone in the community and tell them what really happens in the city limits of St. Petersburg

But should he be telling everyone how safe the city really is?

Could he not let people know that there is a lot of crime in St. Petersburg?

Please don’t get me wrong, I love the St. Pete area. I love the downtown area and the pier. I wish I could afford to live there, but working as a paramedic, I will never have enough $$$$ to move there. The places I would live probably start at about 1.5 to 2 million. I ran a call once in one of the high rises in downtown and the patient was not seriously ill and wanted to talk more than get medical attention, so as we were attending to her, she told us the cost of living there and then she asked if we wanted to see the pier from her other place, of course we said sure and went and looked, they bought 2 units in this high rise, one to live in and one just so they could sit there and watch the activities at the pier without ever leaving home.

Of course we tried to talk them into letting us live there, but there was just no way as a paramedic I would ever make enough money.

Now there are a lot of more un-desirable areas, houses rent for cheap, but you don’t know from 2 minute to the next what will happen in those communities.

St. Pete is a strange area, one side of the street you have million dollar homes and on the other side of the street its low income and looks like a trailer park you would see in the movies, dirty nasty, run down, things falling apart and people that just don’t care.

Of course one other issue I really don’t like about St. Petersburg is the amount of homeless people. People get bussed into there every single day and that population is growing by leaps and bounds. I used to get frustrated, just walking down the city street for a block or 2 you would be asked for money several different times by different homeless people wanting more money for alcohol or drugs.

The homeless is one topic that will have to be a post within itself, but these people are so funny. I love the ones with signs, will work for food. I cannot tell you the number of times I have offered to buy food for them and they refuse.

They want your money to continue with their habits of drugs and alcohol.

Anyway, I rate St. Pete as a pretty awesome place overall and if you have never been there, you should go and if for nothing else to check out the downtown area.

Just make sure you pre plan your trip and find out what area’s to stay out of once you get there. Even though the city is safe per the chief of police, the numbers of crime still seem high to me.

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