Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lisa Marinelli gets a teachers smack on the hand for sex with a teenager…

Lisa Robyn Marinelli, 41, pleaded guilty to unlawful sex with a minor in court and she got the smack on the wrist and told don’t do it again…

This case is a prime example of the courts issuing a light sentence to a female sex offender.

The X-teacher pleaded guilty to having sex with a teenager 10 times in her car in the New Port Richey area and was arrested in March of 2008,

The teenager’s father became suspicious when he watched his son get out of the teachers car. The father then found sexually explicit text messages between his son and the X substitute teacher.

Then as the police became involved in this case, they even discovered a pair of the teacher’s underwear that the teacher gave the boy as a memento of their sexual relationship.

Now in court with 10 counts or pleading guilty to having sex with the teenager 10 times,

The court sentenced her to 1 year of community control and 4 years probation.
First of all what is the court calling community control? WTF

This scumbag X substitute teacher had an ongoing relationship with a teen, and the courts thought it would be appropriate to give her 1 year of community control?

This sentence just blows my mind and I have to wonder what the sentence would have been if the teacher had been a male teacher, I wonder how many years in prison he would have received for this very same crime. For some reason I cannot believe a male teacher would have been giving community control without time in prison.

At least the courts did get her labeled as a sex offender, with the sentence being as light as it was; I’m surprised they even labeled her as a sex offender.
They also ordered her not to have contact with children.

I guess we should be happy to know she is a sex offender and hopefully she will learn from this lesson in life. But with such a light sentence for her crimes I doubt she will learn anything and I have to wonder how ling it will be before we see her back in the news for being arrested again for other sex crimes.

People want to talk about problems in the court system; this case is a prime
example. How can they say justice was served when in all reality it was a smack on the wrist? How can they claim the justice system was equal and fair when if this was a male sex offender he would be in prison right now and not at home on community control.

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