Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Was it a good or bad thing… 2 Directors for The Center for Urban Programs and Services in Tampa Arrested ….

In Tampa two men that ran an organization that would mentor children and families are accused of dealing drugs in the same neighborhood as the community center.

Michael Brown, 34

Romey Battle 36

Both men were arrested and charged with trafficking cocaine. Police reported they found 182 grams of cocaine, $1,800 in case and 2 vehicles the men used to deliver the cocaine in.

I’m not sure how much that cocaine is worth, but 182 grams sounds like a lot…

Anyway, during the investigation the police learned the two men were dealing drugs and using the money from the drug sales to build a new center for disadvantaged children.

Both men had to post a $25,000 bond and they have been released from jail.

There was no information on how the investigation of the two men was started, but none the less they have been arrested now.

What do you think? Was it a good thing they were trying to do? After all if they truly were going to use the money to build a center for disadvantaged children, was it a bad thing that they done?

I personally know some people in my neighborhood that hasn’t had a job in 10 years. They have been dealing drugs to make a living. Granted the benefits aren’t there as a drug dealer, they have no insurance, dental or vision plan… but with the money they make in a weekend, they could afford whatever they wanted….

(What they make in 1 weekend, takes me over 2 months of working 7 days a week and 8 to 12 hours a day to even get close to what they make in 2 days)

Now what’s even worse than the weekend drug dealers in my neighborhood is the fact they have been reported to the police time and time again and yet nothing has been done about it.

Even worse is the fact that I know so much about them. All I have to do is sit outside and I have heard there marketing plans, how to increase sales, how to decrease the amount of drugs they sale to increase the sales and still the police have done nothing about these guys. The police claim there’s nothing they can do. Yet all I have to do is sit outside and listen.

And I even talk to the guys from time to time. They are pretty friendly and pretty open about what they do and how much they make. They have also taken pictures of the money they make and I have even seen those pictures.

Now just to make sure I set the record straight, I have never and will never use any illegal substance and I do not think drug sales is a valid way to make a living. BUT…

The sale of illegal drugs is a billion dollar industry. The demand is there and it seems there are more and more people ever so willing to deal the drugs to make that money…

With the lack of funds from local, state, and government why not take the illegal drug money and do something good with it?

Now granted, that doesn’t mean I think drug dealers should be allowed to be a director of a community center… But if that was the only way to fund a new center, was it a bad thing they were trying to do?

What are your thoughts? Let me know….

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