Friday, July 3, 2009

Why Celebrity Crime Makes Headlines

Why Celebrity Crime Makes Headlines

If you take a moment to look at the people who are the richest and most influential in the world today, you’ll see that the list is mostly populated with stars from the film industry and the sports world. Yes, there are business tycoons and royals too on the roster, but the majority belongs to the entertainment industry, because this is the field where money comes and goes as easily as air. Once you’re a star, it’s easy to rake in the big bucks as long as your name sells on screen. It is this popularity and the immense amount of money that these people own that make them the target of the paparazzi, and when they’re involved in a crime, either as the victim or the accused, they make headlines for all the below reasons:

• There is double the attraction: We’re already voyeurs who enjoy the gossip magazines because of the dope and dirt they dish out on the celebrities. And when the gossip gets juicier, we like to speculate and feed our baser instincts with news that all is not well in the world of the rich and the famous.

• There is double the anticipation: We wait with bated breath to see how the cases pan out, if the stars will actually be booked and tried in court, and then you can’t wait to see if the jury lets them go because they are celebrities or if they convict them for the crime.

• We think celebrities are Gods: We are guilty of elevating them to this status, and we often forget that they are humans with natural feelings and emotions too, just like the rest of us. But when pictures of them shouting, screaming, or acting in an otherwise unseemly matter that does not befit someone who lives in the eye of the public turn up, we take great pride in belittling and judging them for their behavior.

• The press sensationalizes it more that it has to: It’s news when a celebrity sneezes, so you can imagine what blood, guns, knives and murders would do to the paparazzi. They’re like wolves following the scent of fresh prey, and nothing can stop the sensationalism that follows. The news story takes a long time to die a natural death, even though the star in question may have been exonerated.

Crime makes good copy, but it’s even better when there are celebrities involved.


This article is written by Kat Sanders, who regularly blogs on the topic of forensic science technician at her blog Forensic Scientist Blog. She welcomes your comments and questions at her email address:


Unknown said...


I just wanted to take a minute and say THANKS for the post...

AKA The Jakester

maskaryo said...

nice article...keep blogging and succes for you

Ahmed said...

As it was in the Anthony Proviano Case - Belmont County Ohio I believe a “Suicide” is really a MURDER.

Paul Edward Ault’s ‘ruled suicide’ on Wednesday, June 17th, 2009 in Bellaire, Belmont County could well have been a murder.

Landlord Paul Edward Ault
[Don’t expect the “Official” records to show Ault as the owner – it could be MEA Properties or Rivertowne Lim. Inc. and if so – just try and find these companies ANYWHERE in the world]
[917 Main St., Wheeling, WV (The Mary Elizabeth Apartments – most of the top two floors)]
to members of a terrorist religious cult whose doctrines promote the ‘…elimination, of those that are not completely cooperative, DURING VIOLENT STORMS’
and Mr. Ault died during a horrible thunderstorm not long after telling members of the cult that he was not interested in selling them the 917 property.
The cult uses, by becoming members, established religious organizations as shields for their varied illegalities.

If any responsible parties care to investigate this matter, be forewarned – you will not find a more entrenched Good Old Boys (Dining well in the Tenderloin District) network than that in the Wheeling/Belmont County area. Expect nothing but indifference, at best, and interference from the ‘local’ authorities.

That is all I know and suspect in this matter.

However I have little doubt that this will go into the ‘Got away with murder’ category because if Mr. Proviano’s parents had not been
well-connected, in the Pittsburgh area, with plenty of money and a desire to fight for justice for their son’s murderer NOTHING would have been done.

Here’s another twist – the 917 property was formerly owned by cult leader Stanley Klos owner of Wheeling’s Victoria Theater.