Thursday, August 20, 2009

Polk County Hurricane Shelters -- Sex Offenders NOT Welcome....

As people in Florida know, during the hurricane season we have shelters set up evey where and for every condition, except 1....

Just need shelter, go the the shelter at the corner
Need Medical Attention, go to the shelter with medical staff
Need Shelter for pets, go to the shelter with a pet shelter as well...

Anything you need at a shelter you can find... EXCEPT...

Sex Offenders.... You need to find your own safe place...

The State of Florida banned sexual predators/offenders from shelters 4 years ago.

Not over in Polk County they were in the news reminding the predators/offenders they are not welcome at any shelter.

The Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd has a zero tolerance for those predators/offenders that think it's not fair.

The Sheriff said, it's their own fault, they are the ones that misbehaved and they are the ones that caused them to be labeled as a sexual predator/offender.

One sexual offender was in the news stating that he was convicted of raping his 18 year old girl friend and served 10.5 years in prison and now since he lives in Lakeland with his family in the event of a hurricane he could not go there.

The offender went on to say that he was no longer allowed to go where other humans, you know regular society can go.

The offender went on to say that he feels like an outcast and he thinks that he has paid his debt to society. The offender said he was on a lifetime of probation.

Maybe people being convicted of these crimes should think about all the long term restrictions they are going to face for the rest of their life if and when they get released. Maybe if he was so worried about fitting in with the rest of society he would not have raped an 18 year old girl. He could after all just log into Craigslist and find someone to have sex with and not have to rape anyone to have a good time out on the town....

Now there is one exception to the rule... Sexual offenders and predators still on supervised parole can report to the Department of Corrections and they will allow parolees into a prison facility if a storm threatens the area.

So I guess we as "regular society" has made accommodations for those predators and offenders. Even though they may not be able to spend a few days with their family, they should feel right at home in the "big house" with the rest of the outcast from society.

Whats your thoughts on this topic? Should predators/offenders be allowed into shelters or should they go back to prison to tough out the storm?

To learn more about the Polk County Shelters click here


Eccentric_Lady said...

Um, Jake, Craigslist is (ha, ha) suppose to be cleaning up its act but as anyone who follow's Trench will tell you, the cops have even busted underage prostitution from that place...

But to the next question - I think they should go back to prison to tough out a storm. Granted if it's widely known what they did, they might want to literally watch their back..!

Unknown said...


First and foremost, thanks for making your first comment here... I look forward to many more...

Unknown said...

Eccentic Lady,

Craigslist cleaning up.. I can see why you are laughing...

I have done some investigative reporting and soon I plan on writing a post for my blog covering some of what I found on Craigslist...

I agree, I personally think they should go back to the prison and tough out the storms...

But part of the issue is some of the sex offenders/predators are no longer on probation and they are not even welcome back at prison. From what I read they can only go to the prison if they are on active probation... So those that are no longer on probation have really no where to go...

Please dont think Im supporting the sex offenders here because I'm not... These people decided to committ a crime against a child and deserve anything that comes their way....

But what do we as society do with the people with no where to go during a hurricane?