Friday, August 14, 2009

Update on Ryan C. Wilborn

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ryan C. Wilborn arrested for alleged Internet sedu...":

Sorry, wrong date was posted. Wilborn pled guilty and was sentenced to probation on August 11, 2009. Felony offence probated...what an awesome Prosecuting Attorney. Still trying to find the judge's name, will post that as soon as possible.
Pinellas County really cares about the safety of its children. I only hope the voter's remember this at election time.

Anonymous first and foremost, thanks for the update…

Sometimes I have so many different cases posted it’s hard to try to follow up on all of them…

Here’s what I have found so far….

First Ryan Wilborn is still in jail in Pinellas County…

After looking through some of the court files I found this.

So according to the court file he was sentenced to 40 months with CTS (credit time served) of 352 days…

Now granted I have not had time to read all of the court documents to see if there was some deal worked out for only probation, but currently Ryan is still incarcerated in the Pinellas County Jail.

I will try to follow up more on this case as I get time. It would be interesting to see if since he changed his plea to guilty if there was some sort of plea deal worked out.

If there was a plea deal and he is going to be release, I do hope the voters remember cases like this during the elections. The amount of crime against children seems to be growing and growing and we certainly don’t need a prosecutor working out plea deals to give these people probation.

I will also continue to check up on this case and post any other information I find out... Thanks again for the update...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I also found this information...

08/12/09 Commitment Packet to Dept. of Corrections….