Saturday, December 5, 2009

Food Fight = Man in Jail....

Thats right over in Port St. Lucie a man has been arrested for misdemeanor domestic battery and this arrested involved a hamburger and a soda...

Thats right a hamburger and a soda. The man and his wife got into an argument on Thursday night and at some point the woman poured her soda on her husbands hamburger.

Of course this did not help the man calm down any at all, so what did he do? he grabbed his soda covered hamburger and decided to rub it in his wifes face.

Then of course as with anything food fight, they started throwing food and the man decided to leave the area.

Sadly for him though, the wife went to the police and reported the domestic violence and now the 25 year old Daniel Boss goes to jail for his taking place in the food fight he had with his wife.

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