Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Last Call for Harlow and Joe Comments... Maybe.

When I first started this blog it was with simple hopes of having a blog where people could chat and ask questions and get answers. It was also intended for a place for me to post my thoughts and opinions of this case so certain bloggers could not claim I was changing my story.

Blogging about this case has only lead to a whole lot of crap that means nothing to anyone.

Jim you are a prime example, how many time did I ask questions of you when I first started blogging about this case and you would respond with something totally off topic of what was asked. How many times did I say you turned something into psycho babble?

Now you think I should read or leave your comments posted.

Now if you have heard anything I have said in the past, you would have known that I have always said there is more to the story.

Not once have I ever said what I thought the “more to the story” was. Not to Ree, not to Harlow and certainly not to the blogging community.

Since you automatically assumed you knew what I was talking about. I thought I would run with it and see what happened. Well rest assured it did not take a lot of running to grow disgusted following this case.

Every one assumed it has to be I thought Harlow and Joe were innocent. Not once have I posted that. Did I post in support of Harlow, sure did. Not that I would ever be in his situation, but if I were I would definitely want someone there for me.

I agreed with ELM and still do on a some points and this will never change.

1 – Every one has the right to be assumed innocent until proven guilty
in a court of law, not cyperspace.
2 – Every one has the right to a fair trial

No one should have to endure the comments that have been posted on line. It makes me sick to think people are so chicken shit these days that they can only post anonymously on line. I worked in a jail and we housed killers that done far worse than Harlow and Joe and not once did I ever treat an inmate with blatant disrespect as the blogging community has with Harlow and Joe. Now don’t get me wrong, I loved to fight and still do. I did not disrespect inmates out of fear, but it was out of courtesy of treating a fellow man with some respect.

Not to mention the families. How much do they have to endure before people can say hey they have been through enough? Not just Harlow and Joe’s families, Bryan’s family as well. Do they need to read comments that have been posted regarding this case?

Yeah, not thinking so. But has anyone taken any time to consider how any of them may feel. Again, not thinking so. Just read the comments on any blog..

Now rest assured as an ex-police officer, I do believe in the death penalty. I do believe if anyone has received a fair trial and found guilty, then they should be put to death immediately. (However most death row inmates are there for years and years)

At this point I cannot say they can get a fair trial with information leaking out of the courthouse in PA. I can provide many links to the Supreme Court if you would like to read up on some cases. Sadly stupidity has caused many criminals to be free walking the same streets as you and your family.

Post what you will Jim, I really don’t care and not sure why you think your opinion should matter to me now? It has not mattered to me in the last year, why do you think it should matter now?

This will probably be one of the last blogs on this case here. I don’t know yet. I will post updates as the case progresses, but the comments as of late are exactly why I don’t care to follow this case anymore.


This will be the final post for Harlow and Joe and all comments are welcome.
Only COURT updates will be posted. No comments will be allowed after today.

Say anything you want.

Say it about anyone you want.

This will be the last time you get to post any comments here about this case.

If you have not noticed, I moved on to other cases (long before now)

I really have no interest in the continued crap one has to endure to blog about this case.

So make it good... since it will be the last comments allowed about Harlow and Joe.

1 comment:

Marcus Holstrom said...

I don't believe this "Renee" chick is who she says she is. Just the fact she's spending her time hatin on Damon when she should be preppin 4 her court appearance proves that. I checked her new site and there's not one hard fact there, not one criminal or civil case verdict against Damon, just a bunch of hooey put out by alters. Nobody cares.

I also see that despite all the hate for no clear reason, Damon's site has gained the top position over his rival Vidioview in the Alexa ratings.

I think there's a lesson here.

Cute how Damon caught Kevin Clarke's model lying. How would he have his SSN and DOB and money order payment copies if the guy DIDN'T work for him and let him tap his ass?