Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Truth, Lies and Renee Martin

Truth, Lies and Renee Martin.

Where to start with this topic? Jim posted on his blog that I was being silent regarding this case, he is right. For once I will admit Jim is right about something. lol.

Some time ago, after Joe wrote a letter to me begging for money for canteen I knew then he was guilty of this crime. Basic criminal profiling, Joe proclaims his innocents, wants people to feel bad for him and try’s to solicits fund since he has done nothing wrong. Basic criminal profiling proved Joe guilty. Now let me say this about Joe. I have only had 3 communications with him, all by letters and all were the same. He said he was innocent, begged for money and said he would be out of jail soon and if I sent him money he would tell me all. Needless to say I never sent him anything. Not to mention, I have never had much use for Joe. Never have believed a single word he has said unlike so many of you now. Since those letters, my interest in this case has declined over time. As Ree should be able to testify too since our calls and emails almost became non-existent.

Before you think I never have talked to anyone in this situation, I have arrested my fair share of criminals during my tenure as a law enforcement officer. I was a cop for 12 years and then had some medical problems had to hang up the ol’ gun belt and badge and then proceeded with another career. (Paramedic)

During the last many years as a cop I arrested more Violent Crime Suspects, Drug Suspects, DUI Suspects than any other officer in the county I worked in. I might also add I had the highest conviction rate. If you care to know I also wrote more tickets in a day than most would write in a year. I was a hardass cop.

Also before working the street as a cop, I was a Deputy and assigned to corrections. During this tenure I talked to convicted murders on a daily basis in my job performance. Hell, one of them would only talk to me when I was on duty. He refused to talk to any other correctional officer. He would write everything down on paper and then if he wanted to talk he would wait for me to come to work. He even went as far to say that if I ever needed anyone killed, to get a name to him even while incarcerated for life. The inmate had killed 2 people, one cut throat and burned with gasoline and then burned his house down on him. The second one died of a gsw to the head and then was covered with tires and set on fire with gasoline. The reason he done it was he wanted to see them burn in hell. He was on scene of both fire calls as the firefighters tried to put out the fires.

So rest assured I have experience with the worst of the worst, I have arrested the worst of the worst and I have heard every excuse possible know to man regarding crimes.

Harlow has been different than any other criminal I have ever talked too. He has always been well mannered and polite. He has even apologized for using occasional profanity. This has thrown me for a loop and led me to believe there was more to this story than we all knew. As far as posting, you can never find any post where I proclaim he is innocent. I did support Harlow in the beginning and even that support has dwindled down to non-existent.

But something that bothers me now is revelation of Renee Martin.

Initially, I thought Ree was an awesome person and she went above and beyond helping a friend. I never once thought she has a motive for this other than to help out Harlow and Joe.

We have talked over the last year. If she wanted to stir the pot, so to speak, she would have certain things posted to get something started in this blogging community. She thought the traffic to the blog was better if there was some conflict taking place and she thought she could get more money for them if more people were at the Harlow blog. So from time to time she would ask me to post something or we would talk about what she was posting and sometimes re-word what she had written.

Some days we would spend an hour just going over everyone’s blog and reading the comments that were posted.

I knew the FBI took (or she handed over) all of the letters, I also knew about the 3 way calls. Some days while we were talking she would have to go since they were calling.

Now Renee just so you know, as per one of our last conversation, you said you could go on a vacation with me since I was gay and your husband would not question it since I was gay.

Renee I’m not gay. I’m not part of the gay community in any way other than blogging about some gay cases. Just wanted you to get that fact right.

In one of our last conversations she told me of threats she has received from Joe’s family and some of the stuff going on now. She asked that I not post any of it and at her request I did not.

I felt bad for her to have done everything she has done and now it results in her being threatened.

Then a few days later, she posts everything on line. Now from our conversations over the last year I have to question what I believe when it comes to her.

She has purposely lied in the past to start shit on line. Now she is the key witness in a murder case?

I’m not sure what to believe now when it comes to Renee Martin. I did find a lot of humor in her comment on Jim’s blog, (talk about the pot calling the kettle black)

“Renee said...
In these circumstances, I'D FULLY EXPECT some sort of online flirting to be going on. So...?

June 9, 2008 3:08 AM

I believe from what I was told there was some online relationship between Harlow and Peter pan but I don’t know if it is true or not, like I said Jim when it comes to peter pan and grant I don’t know what to make of the whole thing. I really don’t like that subject because most of my opinion would be based off of what was said from Harlow and Joe and I don’t know if it was truth or a lie. That is the big problem when you lie to so many people they don’t know whether to believe you or not.”

So I must ask, is Renee Martin being truthful now?

May God have mercy on all those involved in this case.


Renee said...
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Renee said...
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Renee said...
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Gluttony said...
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Renee said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Renee said...
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Unknown said...
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Renee said...

please call me this deserves the courtesy of phone call to answer this

thank you

Unknown said...


Thanks for the phone call tonight. The conversation helped clarify a lot of issues.

Tommy Boi said...
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Renee said...
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Renee said...
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Renee said...

Sorry about the trash Blake.

Unknown said...
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jim said...
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Jesse Kalinoski said...
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Rob said...
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Rob said...
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Unknown said...
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jim said...
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BB said...
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Unknown said...


Let me save you some time...

I left the police department after a kidney transplant.

Maybe that will help in your search..