Sunday, June 29, 2008

Officer Honored – Silver Cross presented.

Officer Honored – Silver Cross presented.

Hillsborough County Deputy Nelson Birch was presented with the Silver Cross, which is presented to Deputies that are injured while on duty.

Deputy Birch was working in the jail and attempted to place an inmate in the shower. The inmate attacked. The inmate was able to slash the deputies face with a homemade knife.

Birch said “he tried to cut my carotid artery”

Birch was out of work for 10 days and received eight stitches.

'It's kind of a double edged sword, no pun intended," Birch said about the Silver Cross. "In order to receive this I had to get injured, unfortunately."

Birch said similar incidents aren't uncommon.

"We don't have a lot of Sunday School teachers in confinement," he said. "They are criminals, convicts, repeat offenders, and they are extremely dangerous."

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