Friday, June 13, 2008

Robert Hendrix, More to the story

Robert Hendrix, more to the story.

After Hendrix was arrested he was placed on administrative leave without pay. Apparently the department gave him the option to resign, which he did on May 15.

Hendrix has been working with the street crimes unit which deals with street level drug and gang related violence and crime.

According to the State Attorney’s Office Hendrix has taken part in an arrest involving “B Street-ers”

During recent interviews Hendrix and his wife, Beverly, denied any involvement in the fires.

Hendrix still claims he came home to find graffiti spray painted on the walls of his garage. Some of the graffiti said, “You’ve burned us, now we’re going to burn you.”

Investigators were quick to pick up on what appeared to be“rehearsed” explanations from Hendrix’s wife Beverly. Her demeanor, posturing and behavior were indicative of deception.

Interesting enough, Robert Hendrix claims he is not responsible for the fire at his home and yet he still refused to take a Computer Voice Stress Analyzer. Apparently his ex-supervisors encouraged him to take the exam but he still refuses.

Hendrix did take some pictures and video of the graffiti with his cell phone. Sadly it seems that the investigators will use some of the pictures/video to disprove what Hendrix has claimed.

Hendrix was home alone that night, stating he did not feel safe with his family there because of the graffiti incident. So he was home alone and claims he was woke up by the smell of smoke and the sound of his smoke detectors.

Now what I find really odd about this case, who do you call if you house is on fire?
This should be a simple answer, the fire department of course.

Who did Hendrix call after waking up to the smell of smoke and that loud beeping smoke detector?

He called his sergeant.
Wonder how that phone call went?

Hendrix – hey sarg, just wanted to let you know my house is on fire and I might be late tomorrow.

Sgt – Have you called the fire department?

Hendrix – No, I needed to notify you that I might be late tomorrow. I think the “B Street-ers” set my house on fire.

Sgt – Hang up and call 911, get the fire department there.

Hendrix – Ok sarg, as long as you know I might be late tomorrow also sarg if the fire department does not get here in time, can I borrow a uniform and a gun belt?

Sgt- Hang up and call the fire department. That’s an order.

Click, Hendrix hangs up. Well there is not enough damage to my house yet, who else can I call. I know let me call the police dispatch center

Lake Wales PD what is your emergency?

Hendrix – this is Officer Hendrix, I just wanted to call and let you know my house was on fire

Lake Wales PD – Have you called the fire department yet?

Hendrix – No. I wanted to make sure you knew I think the “B Street-ers” gang set my house on fire.

Lake Wales PD – do you want us to call the fire department or are you going to call?

Hendrix – Well, I guess since I called you instead of the fire department I should let you make that notification. Yeah, gone on and call them and get them out here quick, my house is on fire.

Lake Wales PD – Ok Rob, we have the fire department on the way is your wife and children out of the house?

Hendrix – Yeah I was home alone. I did not want them to encounter the “B Street=ers” when they started the fire. You know I had the graffiti spray painted in my house yesterday and they said they were going to burn me. So I figured they would burn me tonight and had them leave home for their own safety of course.

Lake Wales PD – good at least no one was hurt.

Hendrix – Yeah that is good and just so you know, I have already called the sarg and let him know I might be late tomorrow. By the way does anyone have an extra uniform and gun belt I can use tomorrow cause if the fire department does not get here quick I will not have a uniform to wear tomorrow.

Ok just so you know I made up the phone conversations. This is not an official transcript of any phone conversation.

But this part is very true; Robert and Beverly Hendrix collected $183,000 in insurance money: $122,000 for the house and $61,000 for their personal content.

"It is the observation of State Fire Marshal detectives that Robert Hendrix 'set up' the initial incident, in preparations to set fire to his residence," the report stated. "Hendrix did not make immediate attempts to call 911 and has not offered any viable explanations for his inconsistencies documented at the crime scene."

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