Friday, June 13, 2008

13 year old dead, parents charged in NC

13 year old dead, parents face murder chargers.

A North Carolina couple has been accused of tying their 13 year old son to a tree for two nights to punish him for disobedience.

Brice Brian McMillan was quoted as saying “the child was being disobedient and was forced to sleep outside”.

Apparently he was tied to a tree on Tuesday and then released on Wednesday morning but was once again tied up that night for bad behavior. He was left there until the following day. Apparently no one checked on him until 430pm. His stepmother found him unresponsive and 911 was notified.

Pinetops Rescue Squad was notified. They were the first on scene according to reports and found the 13 year old laying on the ground with the father doing CPR.
The 13 year old was transported to the Heritage Hospital and later pronounced dead.
The weather reports showed the temperatures climbed into the 90’s as the youngster was tied to the tree with no water.

According to the Sheriff, the teen was tied with plastic ties, similar to handcuff. The Sheriff went on to say there was other things on his body that led them to believe the parents used other restraints as well.

McMillan, 41, and his wife Sandra Elizabeth McMillan, 36, are being held at the Edgecombe County Detention Center. The Department of Social Services has taken custody of the couples other two children, ages 7 and 9.

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