Thursday, June 12, 2008

Witnesses not talking about Javon Dawson.


Read the article by SunCoast News

Witnesses not talking about Javon Dawson.
Thursday, June 12, 2008

At least 250 people were at the graduation party when Javon Dawson was shot and killed by an officer Saturday and yet no one is talking.

Police has posted fliers in the neighborhood asking people to come forward to give the details of what happened and no one seen anything or at least not talking about anything they did see.

Bay News 9 even sent out some investigative reporters and the only response they got was the sound of a door slamming in their face.

Police claim the teen was shooting a gun into the air and pointed it at an officer and when he failed to comply with the repeated request from police, he was shot. Javon’s family denies these claims.

Yet with the number of witnesses on scene, not a single one has cooperated with the police. Dawson’s brother the night of the shooting stated Javon did not even have a gun is now refusing to cooperate with the investigators on this case.

"We know there were 250 or 300 young adults out there at the time of the shooting," said St. Petersburg Police Spokesperson Bill Proffitt. "And yet, not one of them has come forward."

Police say if witnesses don't feel comfortable talking to their detectives they can be interviewed by the state attorney's office or a judge.

Uhuru leader Omali Yeshitela has a theory why police are meeting resistance.
"You're talking about middle school children who saw this guy shot down," he said at a news conference Thursday. "(They) don't trust the police - with good reason."

The Uhurus have hired an attorney that will interview many of the witnesses and forward their statements to the state attorney's office, bypassing the police department.

Older residents seem more willing to share what they saw. Jennifer Bowens said Dawson died in her front yard.

"I wish someone would open up and say something," Bowens said. "Because there were lots of kids out here and I know someone saw something. I'm not the only one."

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