Tuesday, July 1, 2008

In Memory of Junny Rios Martinez

Junny Rios Martinez -- Family Holds Prayer Service

Schwab's execution was witnessed by family members of Junny Rios-Martinez.

Prior to the execution, the family held an emotional prayer service in Brevard County. The family held a memorial in front of the boy's former home in Cocoa.
Between 20 and 30 people held hands around a tree wrapped with ribbon as a pastor said a few remarks.

The victim's parents said they've literally waited for this day for years.

Family, friends and even strangers also left messages of support for Junny Rios-Martinez's family on a memorial MySpace profile for the boy.

Other sites found in memory of Junny Rios Martinez

Junny Rios Martinez Park

Wordpress.com Junny Rios Martinez

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