Darlanne Toussaint, 24, will spend the next 30 years in prison for child abuse and child neglect.
Then once he completes his 30 years, he will then be placed on house arrest for two years.
Toussaint was mad at the biological father, so what does any smart criminal do, take it out on his kid. The child was 2 years old.
It was reported that Toussaint used a hair dryer and hot oil to burn his girlfriend’s baby.
The child suffered severe burns to his genitals, chest, head and back. Now what should any reasonable person do after burning your girlfriends baby?
Yeah, Yeah, I know rush to the hospital to get the child treated.
But what did this stupid criminal do? He waited; I guess he wanted the biological dad to suffer more so he let the baby suffer more.
I guess this stupid criminal proved to the dad who the real man was. What a shame. A kid 24 years old now gets to spend the best part of his life in prison.
Now Toussaint reportedly told jurors that the boy was burned while he was given a bath.
Then my question would be if this happened during a bath, why wasn’t the baby burned all over?
It was only reported that the genitals, chest, head and back where burned, this does not sound like a typical accidental burning from a bath.
Now of course there are exceptions to every rule, maybe he was holding the baby upside down and underwater. Then the burns would actually match getting burned from a bath. Who knows, stupid criminals have been known to do some pretty stupid things before.
Maybe in his 30 years in prison it will give him enough time to realize the errors of his ways and next time he is mad at a baby’s dad he should take that anger out in an anger management class and not on a baby.
It makes one wonder what a child abuser was thinking at the time the incident occurred.
Did he think in some way it would prove him to be a better man than the biological father?
Did he think in some way if the baby felt pain, the biological father would suffer the same pain?
** Granted I know nothing of the biological father, but I would like to think he did suffer mentally because his son was abused with a hair dryer and hot oil, but the biological father actually suffered no pain from this senseless child abuse.
I’m just glad to see the courts gave him a severe sentence for child abuse/neglect.
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