Jessica "Jessie" Edith Louise Foster is still listed as a missing endangered person.
Jessie disappeared some time between March 28 and April 3, 2006. She has not been heard from since.
Jessie was reported as a free spirited young woman who got mixed up with the wrong crowd.
In 2005 Jessie traveled from Canada to the United States and eventually moved in with a man twice her age in Las Vegas.
Her fiancé, Peter Todd claims to know nothing about the case even though he was the last person to have any contact with Jessie.
Jessie told her family that he was independently wealthy (that his parents owned several McDonald's restaurants in New Jersey & around the USA and gave their sons $5,000 a month each from a trust fund, plus she said he drove a racecar) but the police believe he was a pimp and Jessie may have been one of his prostitutes.
There are hospital records of Jessie's having been beaten and Jessie had been arrested for solicitation in mid-June, about 2 weeks after Jessie became involved with Peter.
Jessie's mom talked to the owner of the escort agency that Jessie worked for, who told her several things but wanted to stress the most that Jessie was not like the other girls who worked for her, that Jessie did not use drugs and she was doing this because she was afraid not to - this woman told Jessie's mom that a lot of people were afraid of him. She also told her that she sort of took Jessie under her wing, so to speak, she said she never became personally involved with the girls but she knew Jessie was different. She would try to talk Jessie, who she called "Little Girl", into leaving Peter Todd, Las Vegas and that life and go back to Canada. She would say, "Little Girl, go home!" And Jessie would always answer, "I'm too afraid to leave".
Jessie was planning to return home (for a few days) in March 2006 for her stepsister's wedding reception in Calgary, AB. Jessie last spoke to her mother on March 24, 2006 and her older sister, Crystal, on March 28, 2006, ending the call with "I'll talk to you tomorrow", but that never happened. Jessie reported she was all packed and ready for her trip and even bought a month worth of insurance on car she had in storage in Kamloops.
Sadly that trip never took place. After the disappearance Peter Todd reported that Jessie left all of her makeup and hairdryer. Oddly enough Peter Todd never even reported Jessie as a missing person; he claimed she would leave from time to time to stay with her friends. But this time was different since no one has heard from her since.
Jessie family believes she disappeared sometime between March 28 and April 3, 2006.
Jessie last known address was at the home she shared with her pimp boyfriend. Even though he has been interviewed twice by the police, all he claims is he knows nothing about her disappearance.
This case has been filled with lies and deception. James Todd also lived in the house with Jessie and Peter, but he also claims to know nothing about her disappearance. Oddly he moved out of the house 2 weeks after Jessie disappeared.
The police need help piecing together this mystery surrounding her bizarre disappearance.
Bizarre Mystery-
There were three other women that were also prostitutes, their bodies were found dismembered and their remains had been dumped along remote stretches of highway.
The police feel there a numerous similarities between Jessie and the three other Vegas prostitutes that were dismembered since 2003.
Between March 2003 and April 2006, Misty Marie Saens, Jodi Marie Brewer, Lindsay Marie Harris and Jessica Edith Louise Foster all disappeared under similarly suspicious circumstances.
Similarities are as follows
1) All prostitutes
2) All White
3) All in the late teen to mid 20's age range
4) All with strawberry blond hair
5) All in the height range of 5'4" and 5'6"
6) All had black boyfriends
7) Three shared the same middle name – Marie.
Police now need to know if the similarities are just a mere coincidence or if there a serial killer on the loose in Las Vegas.
If anyone has any information on
Misty Saens
Jodi Brewer
Lindsay Harris
Jessie Foster
Please contact America's Most Wanted or your local police.
Some of the players in Jessie's case

· She was last seen at 1009 Cornerstone Place with her boyfriend Peter Todd. Peter, a pimp, has a prior conviction for spousal assault.

· Prior to her disappearance Jessie traveled to Nevada, New York and Florida with Donald Vaz.

· She was recruited in Calgary by Yvonne Hubrechtsen to work in Las Vegas.
· Jessie may have fallen victim to an international human trafficking ring.
Jessie's Timeline
April 2005—left job in Calgary to travel with Donald Vaz to Florida, New York, New Jersey and Nevada
May 2005—visited Calgary and returned to Las Vegas with Yvonne Hubrechtsen
June 2005—began dating Peter Todd and was arrested for prostitution in Las Vegas
September 2005—arrested for prostitution in Las Vegas
December 2005—visits parents in Calgary and Kamloops
March 24, 2006—spoke to mom on phone
March 27, 2006—left birthday message for step-mom
March 28, 2006—spoke to sister on phone
April 3, 2006—last acknowledged sighting by Peter Todd
April 9, 2006—reported missing
Check Out the web site for Jessie – Click here
Or Jessie's AMW webpage
Or if you want to Contact Jessies Mom Glendene Grant -- Click Here
If anyone has any information regarding any of these cases, please come forward and lets help bring Jessie home. Her family and friends deserve at the very least to know the answer to the question
Excellent write up, Jake. Thank you so much for your support.
I only wish there was more I could do.
Thanks for your review of the post and help with the information.
I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers.
If I can do anything else to help, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
AKA The Jakester.
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