Rafael Robb, 58, was sentenced to 5 to 10 years in prison for brutally beating/murdering his wife.
His wife Ellen Robb was in the process of wrapping Christmas presents in the kitchen when Rafael decided to take a chin up bar and fatally beat her in December 2006.
At first police said that Ellen Robb was so badly bludgeoned, they thought she had been shot in the face.
After the brutal beating, Rafael Robb arranged the house to make it appear that his wife was the victim of a robbery. He then disposed of the murder weapon in Philadelphia.
However, with his trial, we learned the truth of the case. Rafael Robb elected to plea guilty to voluntary manslaughter. I think he plead guilty a year ago.
Rafael Robb said there was no justification for his “horrific misdeed” He said it all happened in a moment of madness.
Robb also said it was not a planned attack even though they had been fighting over mother-daughter trips to Boston and that he knew that Ellen Robb was planning on ending their 16 year marriage.
Rafael also was worried that if they divorced that he would get to see less of his daughter and he might suffer financially.
I guess each person has there own priorities in life and all of Rafael’s seemed to be based on him. He only worried about what would happen to him if they did divorce.
What a shame, too bad he could not take his anger and turn it into something positive like how can I keep my wife happy so she does not leave me? Then there would be no worrisome aggravation about losing money or not getting to see his daughter enough.
Now the sickening part of this case is this man only got 5 to 10 years for a brutal murder.
The Montgomery County Judge said he had been weighing a lighter sentence for Robb but decided against it after learning of a letter Robb had sent to his daughter trying to manipulate her.
Judge are you joking? This man got 5 to 10 years for a brutal murder. He was so violent in his attack on his wife police thought she had been shot in the face and you think 5 to 10 years would be sufficient for this piece of scum?
This case is yet another prime example of problems in the system.
Rafael lied, tried to dispose of evidence, lied to the police and press and said he did not do it and Robb even went as far to try to manipulate his own daughter after the murder
This man committed a violent, brutal attack on his own wife and you think justice was served with 5 to 10?
Even worse the judge said he was considering a lighter sentence? What where you going to do slap his wrist and give him a year of probation. Or maybe you should have given him house arrest. What a shame. This sentence is a joke for the violence he showed in the attack on his wife.
To actually beat your wife so bad that police believed her to be a victim of a shooting to the face.
Why would any court want to be lenient with a criminal like this?
Was it because he is an X-Professor, no criminal history, no prior arrest?
None of which should have entitled this man to be dealt with in a lenient manor by the courts.
This man deserved life at a minimum and honestly I think he would have been a good candidate for the death penalty and they judge thinks 5 to 10 years was an appropriate sentence.
We wonder why criminals have no regards to the courts and committing other crimes against people, here is a prime example.
Too bad he did not kill the family cat; then maybe the animal activist could have protested and ensured he got the death penalty for that crime. He surely wasn’t punished for brutally murdering his wife.
I feel bad for the daughter. I think I read she was 12 when this horrible murder took place and I think he was in the care of her uncle now.
Not only did Rafael take the life of his wife, he may have ruined the life of his own daughter. She now has to live with this for the rest of her life and I only hope she can learn to cope and deal with having a murderer for a father in a quick period of time because dear ol dad was only sentenced to 5 to 10 for this brutal murder.
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