Police are a little confused over this crime and they are working around the clock to try to figure out what would motivate a father and son to steal together.
Now a father and son crime team by itself is not that confusing, I mean after all it happens. But what they stole in this case has police baffled to say the least.
Ok, I know you want to know what they stole right.
How about tombstones, 6 of them actually. They took the tombstones from a monument company in Albany.

Police said they are not sure what the black market price would be for a stolen, heavy granite grave marker but none the less they arrested father and son.
The dad was 35 and the son is 19, they were both charged with felony criminal possession of stolen property. And if that wasn’t bad enough, they are both being held without bond.
They had there work cut out for them in this robbery. The monuments weighed anywhere from 300 to 600 pounds a piece. The value was $6,000. They even went as far to rent a truck to haul off the monuments once they stole them.
I think this case would have been more interesting if they would have let them go and try to figure out what they were going to do with 6 stolen monuments.
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