Polk County has been very busy lately with gun related crimes. This one entails a stray bullet and a 12 year old boy.
Caleb Brown, 12, was walking with a friend Monday, minding their own business and all of the sudden Brown was shot in the leg. There was no gunman in site. Where did the bullet come from?
What Brown and his friend didn’t know was blocks away some teenagers were fighting in the Carefree Cove subdivision when one of them elected to pull a gun and fire several shots. Apparently there were several weapons displayed during this altercation.
Apparently the teen is a pretty bad shot. He seemed to miss anything close to him and ended up shooting Brown in the leg blocks away. No other injuries were reported at the scene.
Brown is expected to make a full recovery.
I wonder how that subdivision got its name. Apparently it’s not Carefree when teenagers feel the need to pull a gun to settle a fight. What happened to the way fights used to be settled? Not too long ago fights were settled by fighting, slugging it out until one person gives up? Of course I’m from the country and thing were handled differently there and of course there was always another way to work out problems that did not include fighting.
Here it seems every scared man or boy has to have a gun to feel safe. It’s sad that so many people think they have some type of status because they have a gun. Like for example, a local drug dealer in my apartment complex is now the owner of a sawed off shotgun and has been making threats on people’s lives since he got the gun. Before he would curse people and run to get home and now he will try to fight back with I will shoot you with my sawed off shotgun. Yet he is still just a scared punk that thinks now he has status in the complex since he owns a gun. He is also the one I think is responsible for the thief of my pistol. Yet the police have seemed to do nothing about that crime. I spoke to a detective once for a matter of a minute and that has been it. Not to mention nothing happening with several death threats being made.
Don’t get me wrong I fully support the right to bear arms. But one of our major problems with gun crimes today comes from the lack of penalty when someone violates the law. The judicial system (or defense attorneys I should say) have got criminals off with a smack on the hand and people think they can do whatever and get away with it.
People scream we need gun control laws, folks we have laws, we need to scream that the courts need to enforce those laws and allow law enforcement to enforce those laws we have right now.
New laws would be just as useless as the current laws as long as the courts continue to take a lacked approach to enforcing those laws.
This case is a shame. A 12 year old boy shot because he was walking down the street with his friend. I would like to see the criminal history of the shooter. I wonder what his juvenile record looks like. I know we will probably never know but if I were a betting man, I would bet he has had prior problems. It’s just a shame that an innocent 12 year old got shot and not a defense attorney.
Please note, I don’t want anyone to get shot. No one at all. Period. It’s just a shame some of those responsible for having criminals on the streets are not the victims of some of these crimes.
Anyway, sorry about that rant, now back to the post I was working on.
Police have arrested 3 people so far in connection of this case.
Antonio Calloway, 15, of Winter Haven, has been charged with attempted murder in connection with the shooting.
Ethan Lucas, 16, of Lake Alfred, has been charged with discharging a firearm in public and carrying a concealed firearm, both felonies, and violation of probation, police said.
Rakeem Rivers, 17, of Winter Haven, has been charged with tampering with evidence, also a felony, authorities said.

Even with those arrests being made, police are still looking for James Derek Crowder, 18, also of Winter Haven in connection with this case.
Now I’m a little confused about what happened because different media sources have said different things. One said Brown was blocks away and one says he was at McDonalds and tried to leave when the altercation broke out.
None the less, the 12 year old was shot because 2 car loads of scared “I got a gun status” juveniles elected to shoot it out.
Police did say Brown was not affiliated with either group of juveniles.
Anyone who would behave this way just 'cause he has a gun must be severely wicked. That people would be so evil at such young ages is terrifying. We need to find out what sort of women are bringing children like this into the world, and stop them. Until we do, thank God I have my own gun.
I agree with most everything you said.
It is very terrifying and it's only getting worse as police seem to do less and less until something happens.
Once someone is dead it's a little late for a lot of police action.
But that seems to be the game plan now with a lot of officers.
They do nothing until something happens.
I as well am very thankful I still have the right to bear arms.
I don’t think we will ever see anyone stopped from having a baby.
I think we need to find out what has went wrong in the home life of these teenagers and correct those problems.
Don’t get me wrong, I agree with you and some people should never be allowed to have children. I just don’t think we will ever see anything like that happen.
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