Judge Thomas Stringer, Sr.
We read about police officers and other public safety officials being arrested all the time and now it’s time to read about the charges that the Honorable Thomas Stringer, Sr. faces.
Well, maybe we should delete the Honorable part of his title now. I guess we will wait to find out what the investigative panel does once they receive the judges responses to the allegations made against him.
1995 the Judge elected to start a business/personal relationship with an exotic dancer by the name of Christy Yamanaka.
Throughout the relationship the Judge learned that Yamanaka was in financial distress.
She attempted to file a bankruptcy in Las Vegas, and was denied. The Judge was kind enough to refer her to his son, which is an attorney. Seems Yamanaka was in just a little bit of debt, she owed two creditors 315,000 (+ interest.)
From 2004 until October 2007, the Judge was even nice enough to open bank accounts in his name and in the name of a friend of Yamanaka, which Yamanaka has access to those accounts.
Not a big deal to help someone, right… Well this Judge went all the way and it was soon discovered that the purposes of the accounts were so Ms. Yamanaka could hide her assets and income from others including her judgment creditors.
Now still maybe nothing too serious but this next one I like. If you hide the income and assets you got to hide the house as well right…
Well that’s just what the Judge done. He allowed himself to be listed as the sole title holder of a home that was purchased in Hawaii.
According to the Investigative Panel of the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission the real estate deal was set up by Ms. Yamanaka. There were large deposits, a check, and loans which where in the Judges name but it was learned they were all set up by Ms. Yamanaka or her associates.
The panel also accused the Judge of allowing this to happen in order for Ms. Yamanaka to once again hide her assets from her creditors. Even though it was the home of Ms. Yamanaka, when the home sold in 2007, her name was omitted from the sale and everything was in the Judges name and again the Investigative Panel accuses the Judge of allowing this to happen to once again help Ms. Yamanaka hide her assets from others and her judgment creditors.
Now if that’s not bad enough it seems the Judge also accepted an all expense paid vacation in Las Vegas from Ms. Yamanaka, except for the plane fare, and then he failed to disclose the trip as a gift as required by the judicial canons.

The judge continued to allow Ms. Yamanaka to continue using his bank accounts and she made large cash deposits and then would make transfers into different accounts.
Now Ms. Yamanaka was able to secure a job in New York. And with her credit and inability to maintain her own checking account, the Judge was even nice enough to rent an apartment in his name for her to live in.
The Judge made trips to New York and allowed Ms. Yamanaka to pay substantial expenses incurred by the Judge including, but not limited to, his lodging at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel and his catering expenses. And once again the Judge forgot to report these gifts as required by the judicial canons.
At some point and time during this relationship the Judge requested Ms. Yamanaka to purchase, not 1 but 2 Rolex watches. 1 of course was for the Judge and 1 was for his wife. And guess what, those dang judicial canons again, the Judge failed to report the Rolexes as required.
The Judge was also given a 2001 Mercedes and had been customized for the Judge at Ms. Yamanaka’s expense. Neither the auto nor improvements were reported as required.
If that wasn’t bad enough the Investigative Panel reported that the Judge falsely claimed the transfer of the vehicle was a zero dollar transaction, thereby evading the required Florida sales tax. It seems the Judge also hid the true name of the owner who had transferred the vehicle to him.
And as we sum this up there was a small matter of a no interest loan. The Judge borrowed at least $50,000 from Ms. Yamanaka and not only did he fail to repay the loan as promised, the Judge also failed to make the necessary financial disclosure of the activity as required by the judicial canons.
Now the Judge has 20 days to respond to the allegations presented to him by the Investigative panel.
The Judge stands to lose a lot over this case. The conduct, if proven as alleged, would constitute conduct unbecoming of a member of the judiciary, would also demonstrate the Judge is unfit to hold the office of judge, could warrant discipline including but not limited to reprimand, fine, suspension (with or without pay), lawyer discipline or his removal from his judicial office.
1 comment:
Judge Thomas E. Stringer, Sr. after being exposed for his relationship with an exotic dancer and in the media asking people not to judge him before we learned all the facts of the case
Has resigned
This was just days before he was scheduled for a deposition.
The judicial commission could still pursue the ethics charges at this time.
I guess since the judge is now un-employed we will have to wait and see what the judicial commission decides to do.
Stringer was 64 at the time of his resignation from the 2nd District Court of Appeal. Stringer had served in that position for the past 10 years.
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