This case has had so many twists and turns of events it’s almost hard to keep up with it all.
The new evidence released in the case talking about the duck tape and the little heart shaped sticker placed on the tape, what sick people we have in this world. To take a life of a child and then place a heart shape sticker right over her lips on the top of the duck tape for all to see when she was recovered.
I have almost got to the point of not reading anything regarding this case. Part of the lack of interest in the case is the defense attorneys. I’m so sick of hearing that now since the remains have been recovered that the state has to work to make the evidence fit the crimes that Anthony has been charged with.
That statement alone tells me one thing, the defense is scared and really has no interest in the truth of this case and trying to avoid all personal responsibility that Casey Anthony has in this case and place that blame on someone else. Why not place that blame where it belongs and not try to accuse the state and or police for evidence tampering and trying to “make the evidence fit the charges.”

The defense wants to try to get one person to believe the state cannot prove their case beyond any reasonable doubt so they are trying their best to get the doubt in the public view so when the trial does start that 1 person might be able to make a difference in the outcome of Casey’s trial.
It goes back to a post I done talking about defense attorneys have seemed to have lost the entire concept of what the purpose of a defense attorney is. There main goal is suppose to be that the defendants rights are not violated during trial or other legal proceedings.
Now the defense team has tried to destroy every piece of evidence in this case and get that doubt into the minds of the people that may be serving on the jury.
One has to wonder if the defense has actually learned the truth of what has happened in this case and what there motives are in this defense.

Some people think it’s just a traffic defense attorney trying to make a name for himself and gain any and all publicity he can regardless of the truth of the matter in this case. Could the people believing this be right? Could be, I don’t know.
I think one thing the defense said will stand true, there is a lot more to this case than any of us know right now. Granted there have been thousands of pages of documents released to the defense regarding the case, but I still think there is more.
For me it started when the private investigator hired by George and Cindy.
He’s goals should have been to assist in proving that Casey was innocent, but now with his findings it appears they are going to help the prosecution more so than the defense.
Talk about a strange turn of events. Makes one wonder what the defense is hiding right now in this case.
Now another major twist and turn in this case is the new attorney for George and Cindy are now claiming he is the one that is requesting immunity for his clients.

Now granted this may happen in some cases but why would George and Cindy even need immunity? They claim they have been truthful and cooperative with the investigators but what would they know that they would even need immunity in this case?
Usually immunity would occur when someone worked out a deal with the prosecution not to be prosecuted for their involvement in certain crimes. Yet the Anthony attorney wants people to believe that he is doing everything he can in the best interest of his clients.
Now granted, I realize this is just circumstantial and may prove to mean nothing but I look for this to add to the twist and turns in this case. Just my opinion, no fact, nothing personal, just an honest opinion. One question I would like to ask the attorney is why? If they are innocent as they have claimed, why would they need immunity?
Not that I would ever expect to get an honest answer from an attorney, but it would be interesting to say the least to hear his response to that question.
Now even today more twists and turns taking place as this case progress.
George Anthony was reported missing. They said he took off with some pills and pictures and ended up in a motel in Daytona Beach and started sending text messages indicating that he wanted to end his life.
The police went into action and quickly located George in a motel by using his cell phone pings and then he was baker acted.
This case has involved so much already and now we add the FL BA-52 to the list of events in this case.
Granted my heart goes out to George and Cindy they lost a precious grandchild. I could never imagine the stress they have suffered because of this case.
But at the same time now with all the new twists and turns in this case, I wonder if the truth of the case is not causing him more problems than the arrest of his daughter.
I know that may sound a little cold hearted and I’m sorry for that but it’s just another nasty fact in this case. Is George’s problems directly related to the loss of Caylee or is there more twist and turns in this case.
I will applaud the defense for there quick statement and thanking the sheriff’s/police departments involved in saving Georges life. That was about the only statement I have heard from the defense that was actually worth repeating.
The evidence in this case that has been recovered seems to be piling up more and more and as more of it becomes public it becomes more disturbing.
I read part of something that was talking about a clothes hamper or basket, plastic bags, duck tape and that sticker, computer searches of terms like chloroform, neck breaking, acetone, how to make homemade weapons from homemade objects.
Even more disturbing than the evidence is the fact that Casey on two different occasions tried to tell her father and or police where Caylee was and her attorney was quick to stop her both times.
The case even has gone back in history to even include incidents of incest. This case has had so many twists and turns in it and has covered almost anything anyone could possibly imagine.
For the life of me cannot get that sticker out of my mind. Why would anyone murder a child and place a heart shaped sticker over her lips?
Even though my heart goes out to all of the family (except Casey), I still remain suspicious of their involvement if any.
As much as I would like for this case to go to trial tomorrow and be over, I realize that is not going to happen and guess we will have to continue to endure the minute to minute updates regarding anything about the case against Casey Anthony.

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