Haleigh Cummings – The 911 Call…
If you have not read the 911 call concerning the Haleigh Cummings case
Here it is;
911: "911, what's your emergency"
Misty Croslin: "Hi...umm...I just woke up...and our backdoor was wide open and I think...and I can't find our daughter"
911: "you can't find what?"
Misty Croslin:"our daughter"
911:" OK, what's your address?
Misty Croslin: "(inaudible)"
911: "OK, what's the numerical?"
Misty Croslin: "The numerical...what's that?"
911: "the number...green lane?"
Misty Croslin: "Yes"
911: "OK when did you last see her?"
Misty Croslin: "Um, we like just, you know...it was about 10 o'clock- she was sleeping- I was cleaning...
911: "OK- how old is your daughter?"
Misty Croslin: "She's five"
911: "Ok...what was she last seen wearing? Maam..."
Misty Croslin: "She was in her pajamas- she was sleeping..."
911: "OK...alright...You said your back door was wide open?"
Misty Croslin: "yes- it was bricked- there was a brick on the floor...when I was asleep it was not like that."
911: Ok...the back door...listen to me...your back door was wide open...what are you talking about a brick?"
Misty Croslin: "(inaudible)"
911: "what is a brick?"
Misty Croslin: "it's almost like-- on the stairs- we have a walkway..."
911:" uh huh....and there was a brick laying there?"
Misty Croslin: "yes...it's still there"
(background) tell them they've better come on...
911: "we've got em coming- tell him we've got them coming"
Misty Croslin: "they're coming"
911: "Ok what's the color of your house ma'am?
Misty Croslin: "blue"
911: "blue, OK
OK- what does she look like? How tall is she? Give me some description of her."
Misty Croslin: "How tall she she? Like long hair like curly...with curls..
911: "long curls...what color?"
Misty Croslin: "(inaudible)"
911:" ok- what color hair? Brown hair?"
Misty Croslin: "Yes...oh my gosh...."
911: "OK- how tall is she about? Or how much does she weigh...do you know that?"
Misty Croslin: "huh?"
911: "about how tall or how much she weigh?"
Misty Croslin: "24 sounds about right- I don't know- she's not that tall...."
911: "OK-wait- tell your husband we've got them coming, ok?"
Misty Croslin: "OK"
911: "How much does she weigh- do you know?"
Misty Croslin: "huh?"
911: "How much does she weigh?"
Misty Croslin: "um...like 40-50 pounds- 60 pounds?
911: "40-60 pounds?"
Misty Croslin: "yeah"
911: "OK- let me get your name and phone number. Spell your last name...
spell your last name?
Was your back door locked do you know?"
Misty Croslin: "Yes...(inaudible)"
Ronald Cummings: "Man, I need somebody to get here now!"
911: "OK, let me speak to him..."
Ronald Cummings: "I just got home from work, my five-year-old daughter is gone- I need someone here now."
911: "OK, listen to me...listen to me...we've got two officers..."
Ronald Cummings: "if I find whoever has my daughter before you all do, I'm killing them...I don't care- I will spend the rest of my life in prison....you can put that on the recording...I don't care."
911: "It's OK sir, we've got them on the way...ok- can you give me...what kind of description of pajamas was she wearing? "
Ronald Cummings: "I don't f%$ know!"
Cummings:" Hello"
911:" OK sir let me just talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her. "
Misty: (inaudible) crying. "I don't wanna…(inaudible)"
911: "Can I talk to her? OK"
Misty: "inaudible"
Cummings: (inaudible, in background ) "Where my daughter at?"
911:" Ma'am. OK listen I need you to answer some questions. Does the door look like it was pried open?"
Misty:" Umm… (inaudible)"
911: "Does it look like you had to sorta…like someone tried to enter your house."
Misty: "Umm. Hold On."
911:" And another thing, make sure you and your husband don't touch the door anymore. Don't mess with the door or anything. "
Misty: "No it doesn't. "
911: "it doesn't look like it is?"
Misty: "No"
911: "Ok, now listen, tell your husband, do not touch anything- because we are going to get a k-9 out there"
Misty: "ok....she said don't touch anything because they are bringing a k-9 out here"
Ronald Cummings: "they better bring f'ing something out here- because if I get my hands on that mother f'er I'm going to kill him...I don't give a f%*)@# about prison...mother F'ing prison doesn't scare me."
911:" ok, we understand- we've got them on the way
What's her name...{redacted}...how do you spell her first name...{redacted}...what's her middle name? ...{redacted}. And the spelling of the last name is? ...{redacted}."
Misty: "well, that's my last name"
911: "What's her date of birth?
Ronald Cummings: "i'm going to f'ing kill somebody"
911:"Tell him we understand- we need to get her date of birth."
Misty: "what's her date of birth?"
Ronald Cummings: "F her date of birth- we need to find her- f her date of birth."
911: " Ok Listen to me, I'm getting this information- I'm not the officer driving out there ok? - they are coming out there to handle that situation. I need to gather all the information from you over the phone...it has nothing to do with me driving out there...ok? They are coming out there...ok?"
Misty: "ok"
911: "ok, I'm going to stay on the phone with you ok? Until they get there...ok?"
Misty: "ok"
(backgroud noise)
911: "tell him we've got them coming, he's got to calm down a little bit. The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can't have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there ok?"
Misty:" Uh huh..."
Ronald Cummings: "where is my f'ing phone...we've got better people to talk to then some mother f'ers who ain't coming."
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