Alan Michael Tanguay cries in court.
I guess if I were going to court for a violent, brutal murder I would be in tears as well.
But with Alan Michael Tanguay its hard to believe this alleged cold blooded killer really was emotional over his crime.
In case you forgot he is accused of breaking into the home of Patricia Kaliszeski and then he nearly decapitated her over $6 bucks he stole so he could buy beer.
Now with reading different comments about Alan he has had a pretty bad life up to this point and it seems his life took a turn for the worse when he allegedly committed this murder.
I have read several comments on different blogs by anonymous bloggers claiming that they knew Alan Tanguay growing up and some said it was hard to believe that this teen was capable of this crime, while others shed a little more light on his upbringing.
Some anonymous bloggers said that Alan M. Tanguay had a life alone. He had a mother that was never there for him and never tried to help him. There was apparently drug abuse in the home and just over all the kid had a tough life.
Now I feel bad for the kid and certainly don’t think that any child should have to suffer just because his parent(s) are addicted to drugs. But at the same time I really have no sympathy for Alan Tanguay since he made a conscious choice to nearly decapitate his neighbor.
With Alan the remorse is almost hard to believe with his MySpace account as it was.
It has been reported that his MySpace said “I like gory shit, like people getting their necks slit and tongues pulled out.
Now even more interesting is the comments he made before his arrest. Alan Tanguay had been allegedly bragging to friends that he had murdered other before this arrest.
But none the less when it was time for court, Alan Tanguay broke down into tears.
Maybe it was his tough street guy attitude was overpowered by reality.
During court it was ordered that he would remain in custody until the prosecutors decided if they would charge him as an adult.
Alan Tanguay, 16 – a high school drop out, was shackled and was assigned a public defender after the judge heard a brief amount of the evidence.
In court it was said that Tanguay stabbed the victim multiple times and slit her throat to ensure she died.
Even though Tanguay was having his emotional break down in court, I wonder what effect his obscene outburst with the media had on people in court. Then after his obscene outburst, he returned to crying in court.
After the hearing his mom refused any and all questions about her son and neighbor.
Tanguay has a history of arrest and has been through the juvenile court system before. His prior arrest includes battery and burglary.
This case will not end in the usual outcome of juvenile arrest and the case will more than likely be presented to the Grand Jury to determine if Tanguay should be tried as an adult.
Now this is just my opinion, I think there should be no question about how this case should be handled by the courts. I personally think he should be tried as an adult and given the most extreme punishment allowed by law and if that happens to be the death penalty, so be it.
Tanguay’s attitude towards this case makes one wonder if there is anything there left to work with. His time spent bragging about killing others before this arrest, his crying in court and then an obscene outburst and then right back to crying and shaking and we cannot forget what he posted on MySpace.
I feel bad for the kid and no child should have to grow up living a life like he had, but at the same time people have to take some personal responsibility for their actions. Tanguay elected to commit a brutal, violent murder and stabbed a lady to death and consciously decided to slit her throat to ensure she died, he in my opinion is too far gone to even try to help.
Hopefully the courts will get things in order and get him tried as an adult and keep him right where he belongs, in prison off the streets.
he honestly wasn't a bad kid. I had gym class with him the year he dropped out. He was an amazing friend and I honestly still can not believe he would do it..
Just goes to show we never know anymore...
Is there any thing else you would like to share? If so email me.. I would like to get to know more about him and his life and do a follow up post on him
why dont you just drop the subject? Do you honestly Have nothing to do then to sit your fat ass on your computer and write about this shit, DUDE FUCKING DROP IT,
man get a fucking life you stupid ass computer nerdy ass Nuub
His Parents NEVER DID FUCKING DRUGS. for one his father was an abusive alchoholic and the mother Left him to protect her sons!
She Fucking Put EVERYTHING towards her sons to have them grow up a proper life, she provided for ehr sons before she EVER PROVIDED FOR HER SELF!
im a very close friend of the family.
and i love them, and i love Alan.
theres no explanation on why he did what he did.
His Mother BEGGED THE STATES FOR HELP when he first got arrested when he was younder and they said he didnt need help!
she fucking begged them to help her! years of anger managment, everything, and non one did a goddamn thing.
And You dare fucking dare say that his mother was a druggy? That is A complete Load of Shit.
Thanks for your comment Anonymous.
Usually I file anonymous comments right where they belong, in the trash.
But none the less...
Just be careful who you love.. it may cause you to be robbed of 6 bucks and have multiple stabe wounds and a cut throat....
I never claimed the mom had a drug problem, if you would re-read what I posted is that I have read many different blogs that claimed Alan had a rough life growing up and some have said the parents were druggies. Not me.
If you want to be taken seriously with your comments on this blog, at least post under your name or sceen name.
I really have no use for anonymous people that cannot be man enough to post without hiding behind an anonymous screen name...
This topic will not be dropped. For a teenager to have such rage, anger and kill an innocent person really makes no sense at all.
If the mom was there and trying to help, does the mom take any responsibility for not getting him help? There are places she could go to get him help without the help of anyone.. Yet you want to make it sound like its the fault of the system Alan did not get help.
Anyway... It's good to know that some people do care and love others... Just becareful who you love....
Dude Your Not getting it, shes took Alan to Countles and countless Amounts of Phyco doctors aeverything, and they told us the same shit THAT HE DID NOT NEED HELP..
if he didnt need fucking help then why is he fucking sittin in jail Huh HMmmmm? As for those 2 witnesses how would you feel if your fucking 2 best friends your fucking home boys sit there and fucking rob houses steal guns get locked up, one of them i wudnt be surprised if theyve commited murder, but how wud it feel if ur 2 fucking homies turn your back on you, and snitch you out?
Alan never told those fucking 2 witnesses shit about the murder on what he may have and may have not of done.
His Parents Never Did Drugs NEVER.
as for does she take responsibility for not getting him help no she does not because she spent years trying to get him help since the first time he ever got arrested. they told us he did not need help.
shes tried and tried and tried for years to get him help.
i personally know alan, im a great friend of his, yes he has a violent temper, yes he is full or rage, but if anyone actually knew him, he had a fucking heart of gold, always stopped to help people when he could, always the first one there for you.
Thanks again for the email…
You are right, there is a lot I don’t know about this case. I have had several emails from people claiming that they knew Alan and were friends with him, despite your request for people not to email me.
Regardless of who has and hasn’t emailed me, I would have to say he is sitting in jail for confessing to the crime.
That has nothing to do with any witness report. It was reported there were 2 witnesses that pointed the finger to Alan but he is the one that confessed to committing such a violent crime.
I’m glad to hear that his parents never done drugs.
But what I don’t understand is how you can say he had a heart of gold and in the same breath report he had violent outburst….
Maybe mom needs to speak with an attorney. If they said he did not have a problem, yet still continues with violent outburst… something wasn’t right with him….
I think overall you have missed the point… I wanted to find out more about Alan and his life because I feel there had to be something pretty wrong with his life to violently murder someone for 6 bucks for beer.
I feel bad for him, his parents since they now have to live the rest of their life knowing their son murdered someone.
I feel like 2 people have lost their life that day... The victim and Alan.
Even if he would end up getting out of this, the rest of his life will be haunted by the fact he was in jail for a violent murder.
I feel bad that his homies turned their back on him, but Alan has to take some responsibility for his action. Regardless of what any friend may have done or not done, Alan confessed to a violent murder.
See And i completley understand where your coming from too. well if he broke in her house and saw her thetre why didnt he deck her in the face and run like a bat out of hell? honestly if it were me i wouldve hit her and ran and took the B&E charge, but why murder someone? is it really worth going to jail and spending the rest of your life, He Made a stupid choice but if he got out of jail today would i still feel safe around him?
Absolutley i Trust Alan with my Life, been through hell with that kid, and im a home boy that going to stay true to him. Good Friends with his fam too. especially his Brother and mom.
I Do Feel Bad to Patricia, she didnt deserve this...May Her Soul Rest In Peice.
i Dont get why he would do something to careless, Hmmm only one solution, all the stress the kid had, everything thats happened to him, something made him snap. But What/....
I as well hope and pray that Patricia can rest in peace… No one deserves to dies like she did. I also hope and pray her family can come to terms with what has happened because of a senseless crime.
I agree with you, if I were Alan and broke in and found her home I would have ran like a bat out of hell…
Sadly for the confession Alan gave, that’s obliviously not the choice he made that fatal night.
I’m glad to hear that you are such a good friend to Alan. Everyone needs a close friend and especially Alan right now… He will need you and your support throughout this entire ordeal.
This entire case has been tragic. 2 families have been devastated.
I know you wish to remain anonymous but at some time I would like to talk to you. Please don’t let that scare you away from posting on my blog. If we never talk, so be it… but you know me, I always want more information especially in cases like this…
I think we as a society may have failed to give a kid the support he needed and in the request for more information it is also to help identify the problem and how to address them before another teenager decides to take such a drastic step and violently murder another person. I just hope that you can understand that when I wanted more information it wasn’t for the point to make Alan into a bad person.
I just hope that you have taken the time to tell Alan how you feel and how much support you have for him. I think you have taken an awesome stride to stand by your friend in his time of need. Especially when some have emailed claiming they knew Alan and claimed to be a friend but done nothing but talk bad about him.
Again, please don’t let my request to talk to you scare you away from blogging here. If we never talk that ok with me but I think that overall you have been more honest than anyone else that has elected to email me about this case.
I heard he confessed but does anyone know if he ask for either of his parents, Guardian or even an attny? If he did ask I'm sure that didn't make it on the confessions tape or did it? Just curious
What is ur email? I looked up up on Google I see u have followers but no post. U say to email us yet there's no email information
Can u please reply with an email
I'm a friend of his family. I'm very interested in Alans case, and would like to know more and would like to know more about him. I spoke to his mother, aunt and cousin just last night.do u know this bloggers email? Also if u his friend would like to talk please shoother me an email and I'll send u my # and u can call or text me.
I'm a friend of his family. I'm very interested in Alans case, and would like to know more and would like to know more about him. I spoke to his mother, aunt and cousin just last night.do u know this bloggers email? Also if u his friend would like to talk please shoother me an email and I'll send u my # and u can call or text me.
i rode with alan in the extradition van around the state. besides the family friends you all have no idea what kind of man he has become over the past 10 years. he told me the story of what happened. he confided in me. the only people that know what happened in this case are alan and god and when the time comes he will be judged. as for him being violent and things he was young trying to prove himself. typical teenage boy trying to hold his own in the hierarchy of life on the streets of hard knocks. the alleged witnesses are no angels. they were facing time and charges themselves. they embellished some story and their charges disappeared. hmmm interesting how that works. i spent 30 hours straight chained next to the man and he is the most kind caring individual i know you all think that sounds crazy but believe half of what you see and none of what you hear this man needs to be re sentenced. he will never see the light of day and how would you feel if it was your troubled son at 16 serving life? re evaluate him please re sentence him please because the 30 hours i spent were not with a killer but with an intelligent young man hopeful for a release in maybe 40 years with the new youthful offender re sentencing
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