Saturday, February 28, 2009
The Texas jail that was closed because of the relaxed security now has a total of 17 people charged in different drug and sex crimes that was taking place at that jail.
Now with those 17 people they managed to rack up a 106 count indictment.
The first post I wrote on the jail closing is here….
But for a quick recap---
Montague County Jail was closed when the new Sheriff Paul Cunningham took over on January 1, 2009.
The jails surveillance camera’s had been unplugged (unknown if by jail staff or inmates)
Some cells had paper/towels blocking the view so jailers could not see in the cells
Some cells were locking from the inside
Recliners were found in some cells
Pills found scattered all around the floors of the jail
That’s just to name a few right off the top of my head that I remember from the first post.
Now no one is release why this jail was under investigation in the first place, but with what was happening there it’s no wonder the investigation started.
The arrest started at the top and worked there way down
The X-Sheriff was the first. X-Sheriff Bill Keating was charged with official oppression and having sex with inmates.
Several X-jailers were also charged with charges that range from sex with inmates to bringing drugs in the jail for the inmates.
The male X-jailers were charged with drug possession and bringing inmates banned items.
The female X-jailers were charged with having sex with inmates, bringing drugs into the jail for the inmates, providing the inmates with cell phones and cigarettes.
Anyway, this story takes yet another twist…
The State District Judge sealed the names in the indictments until all of the suspects are arrested, but their job and charges were made public.
Several inmates also were charged with drug possession, according to the indictment.
Now once again you have to love defense attorneys. The defense attorney said the charges against the X-Sheriff were kind of silly in the face of the federal investigation.
Now even more odd, it has been reported that the X-Sheriff was surrender “in due time”
What the crap is that? Surrender in due time? If that was anyone else, would they have the option to surrender in due time or would the police track them down and arrest them on the spot?
I would like to tell the defense that what is silly in this case is that a person with the power as sheriff showed such disrespect for his position it has lead to his indictment.
I have no sympathies for the X-Sheriff or any of the others that are now facing time behind bars.
Now this also brings up another matter, how hard up were the females jailers to have to result to having sex with inmates?
Surely they could have found someone with a little higher standard on the “outside” and someone they knew a little something about v/s risking their career for a few minutes of sex with an inmate.
Not to mention the spread of diseases among inmates like hepatitis and HIV to name a couple.
Of course we have to mention the violation of the oath of office they took and swore to uphold.
These people deserve anything and everything the courts can possibly convict them on and to give the high X-Sheriff the option to surrender in due time, what a joke.
The X-Sheriff Keating who is 62, has already pleaded guilty to a federal civil rights violation in a case (that was not related to this case) involving the sexual assault of a woman. The high (X) sheriff is already facing up to 10 years in federal prison.
The federal civil rights violation case was involving a woman that Keating told would be jailed on drug charges unless she had sex with him.
I would like to ask the X sheriff if that was really worth 10 years in prison…
The X-Sheriff Keating
Keating, 62, has pleaded guilty to a federal civil rights violation in an unrelated case involving the sexual assault of a woman. He is to be sentenced to up to 10 years in federal prison in May. Keating told a woman she would be jailed on drug charges unless she had sex with him.
Now just so you know the others that have been charged with providing drugs to inmates or other prohibited substances to inmates carry a maximum punishment of 10 years in prison.
Hopefully they get every second of time allowed by law for being such stupid criminals while in uniform and in the daily performance of their duties.
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