Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Marie Moore killed her son and then herself…

In Casselberry the 44 year old mother, Marie Moore planed out a murder-suicide.

Moore left a note and recordings for someone named King. The note was found by family members and said

“Hi King, I’m sorry to leave you like this. I know this is a horrifying thing. I hate leaving you behind, but I had to save my son and send myself to hell for what I’ve done. I’ve screwed everything up for us.”

In her recordings she said that she had to go to hell “so there can be a thousand years peace on earth.”

There were some video images from Shoot Straight shooting range released.
Now the question of the hour is why was she there?

Apparently Moore had been banned from the gun range in the past and Moore had been hospitalized for mental problems. Moore called her recent hospital stay a mistake.

There was also nothing noted if her recent hospital stay was the result of a Baker Act.

As of this post, I have not read anything anywhere stating why she had been banned from the range before. But the million dollar question remains…

Why would the range allow someone with mental problems to even be at the range with a loaded weapon? It was reported that she had been suicidal for the past 7 years since she had a mental breakdown.

Is business that bad that they had to allow any one walking in the door to load up and fire away? How safe does that make other shooters feel? Not knowing if the person next to you is a person suffering from mental problems that could have been baker acted in the past. Not that I have a lot of faith in the Baker Act system we have here in Florida, but someone diagnosed with mental problems should never be allowed in a firing range.

Please don’t think I’m blaming the range for the deaths, I have no doubt that her plan would have been carried out even if she wasn’t allowed into that gun range.

I also find it odd that no one reported any unusual behavior prior to the murder-suicide, but yet friends were able to report to the media that they think Moore killed her son to protect him from the world.

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