Sunday, May 10, 2009

They did the best they could…. What a joke….

They did the best they could…. What a joke….

According to the media, the Lake County Prosecutor said they did they best they could..

I say WTF?

The case….

May 2008 Paul Wright, 44 was driving along and hit Megan Hensley. Sadly Wright left the scene and left her on the side of the road to die.

It took over 7 months for the deputies to track down Paul Wright and charge him.

Now that he has been charged, he might as well not went to court for the punishment he received.

Paul Wright was sentenced to probation. Yep that’s it’s, it was a plea deal and he got to walk away a free man.

Now his freedom came with a small price to pay, during his 7 years of probation he has to wear a GPS ankle bracelet for 2 of those years.

Now here is the worst part of his sentence, as part of the court order he has to visit the grave site of the girl at least once a year and write a letter of apology to the family.

Yet the prosecution in Lake County was so weak, all they could say is this is the best that they could do. One would think with the number of felony cases they send to trial over in Lake County they could have at least prosecuted a murderer.

Now the sad part is even the Judge said in court, that the plea agreement was a light punishment, but the judge done nothing to change the outcome.

Hensley’s family is livid with the State Attorneys Office and I don’t blame them. Even if they had a weak case against Paul Wright, I think a jury would have returned a sentence more severe that probation.

If the case would have gone to trial, Wright could have faced 35 years.

People want to talk about problems within the judicial system, here a prime example of problems within our great system…

If I were Paul Wright, I would be more concerned over someone seeking street justice than I would be his 7 years of probation without the privilege to drive.

Not that I want to promote street justice, but when the system fails as bad as it did in this case, I could see some people wanting justice of their own….

1 comment:

JdeeL_ said...

You must be unaware that Paul Wright new he hit something, got out of the car to see what it was and saw nothing. Almost, immediately a police officer pulled up with his lights on and asked if everything was alright. Paul told the cop that he thought he hit something so the two began to search the area and found nothing. The cop left first... followed by Paul. The next day he saw on the news that there was a body found at the location his accident took place. Paul then DROVE HIMSELF to the sheriff's office and told them what happened. All they did at that time was take his vehicle away. It wasn't until nearly a year later that they tried to arrest him.
It is terrible that Megan Hensley died. Its terrible that Paul and the officer didn't look thoroughly .. IN THE DARK. For all he knew, he hit an animal. Why was Megan walking down the road that late in the night?