Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Better watch that speed in Tenaha Texas, it will cost you more that just a speeding ticket fine.

I was watching the news today and watched a story from Tenaha, Texas. This news report was letting the world know of the police corruption in Texas.

This started a couple of years ago and the police and district attorney seems to be in this together. Even though the attorney denies any wrong doing, I will let you be the judge…

During the news report there were several drivers all of the Black or Latino race that was pulled over in the jurisdiction of Tenaha.

One man from Tennessee was pulled over and now claims he was a victim of highway robbery in 2007 and he was robbed by the police.

What happened you ask? The man was traveling on US Highway 59 and was pulled over for going 37 in a 35 mile an hour zone.

Now what would a 2 mile an hour violation cost? Well it cost this man $8,500 in cash and he also had to surrender his jewelry. The police took these items and told him to sign a court order from the district attorney that said he would surrender the money and jewelry in lieu of facing criminal charges.

The police threatened to charge him with money laundering charges since he had $8,500 in cash on him. He had the money to buy a car, but the police decided it was illegal to have that much cash on him So he lost it all.

Now under the law in Texas, the police are allowed to confiscate drug money and other personal property in they believe are used in the commission of a crime.

But in all the cases reported on the news report no one was actually charged with a crime.

One lady was pulled over and the police even went as far to threaten her to call DCS and have her children placed in a foster home if she did not sing the paper and let the police steal her money. I mean take her money in return for no criminal charges.

This lady had $6,000 in cash on her and in fear of losing her children she told the police they could take the money so she would not lose her children.

One lady from Maryland was traveling with her fiancé and a business partner, they had $50,000 to complete a purchase of a restaurant and the police started the same thing with her and was telling her your son is going to child protective services since she would not say what the police wanted to hear.

I guess the police could not believe in this time anyone could possibly have $50,000 to buy a restaurant.
Anyway, between 2006 and 2008 there was about 150 cases of African American or Latino motorist being pulled over and right now they have estimated about $3 million dollars have been taken from citizens.

The district attorney was even nice enough to give one of the police officers a check for $10,000. The police officer was “paid” for his investigative services in these cases.

Obviously there has been a lawsuit filed.

Even though hundred of dollars has been spent by the district attorney she still denies any wrong doing. There was one bill for I think 195 bucks for blow pops and some other candy… And she claims there has been no miss-use of the funds.

"To this day, I don't understand why they took my belongings off me," one of the victims said.

I also agree with him. This seems like the police are the criminals in Tenaha Texas. Now that a law suit has been filed, they will soon have to answer and we will get to the bottom of this even though the police officer and district attorney deny any wrong doing.

Cases like this give police officers every where a bad name. What are your thoughts about this case?

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