Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Today Show, Larry King Live, Oprah and now the Anthony’s… What?

Maybe we should start a new TV series just for the Anthony’s so they can be on TV and proclaim, whatever it is they are trying to proclaim for parents of accused child murderers.

Sound like it would be a good show, right…

Well maybe not, the Anthony’s for some reason wants to keep national attention in this case and personally I’m sick and tired of even hearing that name…

Some claim the reasons are since they got a bad wrap in the start of this case, they wanted to appear on TV and let the world know they are everyday good people.

But at the same time during every interview we have seen nothing but lack of cooperation from the Anthony’s as that Anthony temper flares up from time to time.

So have they really done anything to help the case against Casey? One would think their attorney would be smart enough to have them exercise their right to remain silent. But sadly the defense part of this case hasn’t been known for being very smart… I do have to give them an A for effort, they are trying.

I mean after all there are rumors and speculation that one or both of them (George and Cindy) knew about what happened in the very beginning of this case.

We have read media reports of thief, lack of support, Cindy wanting to adopt Caylee, to stories of incest in the family.

Maybe they actually want to come clean at this next show on Larry King Live, maybe they decided to tell the world what they really know…

Now the really sad part is we have put them in the spot light for whatever reason.
Of course they may be working with the attorneys in an attempt to have a change of venue in this case and have the actual trial moved to Miami or somewhere where they have not flooded the media with bogus reports of the family doing nothing wrong and we need to find a baby sitter that does not exist.

This case wouldn’t be near as bad If they would just shut up and let the system process Casey and get her in trial so we can find out the truth. I personally think each time the Anthony’s have opened their mouth on TV they have lost more and more credibility. They don’t have a lot left to lose in this case, except the life of their daughter. Yet they continue to go on national TV and say things like they cannot find out the truth until the trial is over.

And on a side note, Cindy was on TV and said she could not ask her daughter if she killed Caylee, I got to say bullsh*t on that one… If your daughter/family member was accused of murder, what would be one of the first questions you would ask them? Did you do it? The bizarre behavior of the Anthony’s has been present from the very start of this case and it still continues to this day…

Personally I think they know that Casey is nothing but a cold blood child killer and they are grasping at anything they can to help the defense to create such a public interest in this case that they can get change of venue the defense thinks they need. The sad part of this case is that regardless of where the case is heard at the end of the trial, Casey will then be a convicted child murderer instead of accused murderer like she is now.

To even make a bad matter worse, we have the tough economic times and we have to wonder who is paying for all of this? Is Larry King Live paying the Anthony’s to attend his show?

How is the defense being paid, who is footing the bill for all these experts and games that the defense is playing?

Why do we as a society allow such things to happen? This case is yet another prime example of why I hate defense attorneys, but at the same time, if I were ever to be arrested I would probably call Baez.

Especially since this case has been covered in so much detail, it has become obvious that Baez, regardless of guilt, will do anything and everything to try to change that in court. Seems the more evidence the state turns over, Baez and his dream team of attorneys and experts come up with new exciting ways to try to prove the state is wrong.

Right, wrong who’s to say, a little girl lost her life and the mother that had the responsibility of caring for this child failed, and she failed miserably. Even if they defense can get a single juror to think she is innocent, I think she still deserves to dies since she allowed her own daughter to die in the manor she died.

I just wish I could be there to put the duct tape and heart shape sticker over the mouth of Casey when she is convicted of murdering her daughter.

What are your thoughts on this case?

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