Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Craigslist in the news again (and again) Husband arranged for his wife to be raped.

Up in North Carolina a 25 year old husband wanted to see his wife have sex using a scare tactic.

So where in the world would one turn if they wanted to arrange the rape of your wife?

Craigslist of course…

Not only should craigslist be charged or at the very least held accountable, how could a husband arrange for the rape of his wife while using scare tactics?

I know people like to add this, change that, keep the spark alive but to actually arrange the rape of your wife without her knowledge, that’s just sick.

Now even worse, during the rape their 2 young children were home. According to reports they children did not know what was going on, so that was a good thing and may have avoided years of counselors.

They are still investigating this case and trying to determine the identity of the rapist and they are trying to figure out if the husband actually paid the rapist.

The victim was treated and released at a local hospital.

The husband gave conflicting reports to the police so they ended up charging the husband and he is in jail on a $200,000 bond.

Yet all Craigslist can say is we share the publics horror (and our hearts goes out to the victim)

What a joke.

The sad part is Craigslist doesn’t think they should be responsible or accountable.

My question to Craigslist is how many people have to die or be raped before you actually take steps to prevent anonymous posting by anyone with access to a computer?

Granted we cannot place all the blame on Craigslist, after all the husband did set this rape up. So he has to take some personal responsibility for his actions.

But time and time again, Craigslist thinks they are untouchable. Regardless of what happens as a result of their website being in place.

I guess all we can do is sit here and watch more people die and get raped or be victims of violent crimes since all Craigslist can do is post our hearts goes out to the victims.

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