Sunday, June 7, 2009

4 Teens are being charged as adults.

4 Teens are being charged as adults.

Randall Moye, 14
Lee Louis Myers, 14
Diemante Robers, 15
Raymond Price-Murray,14

The first post here is located here

If you remember these Walker Middle School classmates were arrested for sexually battery.

The group held down a 13 year old boy and violated him with a broom handle and a hockey stick.

The assault took place after months of harassment and bullying according to the police.

Once the investigation got underway they discovered multiple incidents that occurred on different dates.

Now with them being charged as an adult, they may have ruined the rest of their lives.

It makes one wonder where the parents where during all of the months of abuse and bullying this 13 year old suffered.

It also makes one wonder if the victim had reported any of this abuse before he was sexually assaulted with a broom handle and hockey stick.

Of course it will only be a matter of time before everyone wants to blame everyone else and no one take any personal responsibility for this incident.

The suspects will want to blame the victim, the victim will blame the suspects, the parents will want to blame the school, and the school will want to blame the lack of parental support.

So where does it stop? When will people take personal responsibility for their actions? Of course if we could keep lawyers out of this equation that would help a lot, but since they are being tried as adults now that’s not going to happen.

Anyway, the teens had to post a $15,000 bond on 1 charge and they were released on their own recognizance for the other 3 charges.

Also as part of their release the Judge ordered the teens not to have any contact with any of the other potential witnesses, coaches or other flag football teammates.

It just sad that something like this had to happen, 1 teen sexually abused with a broom and hockey stick and 3 other teens could now be a convicted felon and sex offender. And yes all this was done while in Middle School.

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