Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sheriff Grady Judd asking the public for help

As I posted here about Operation Child Shield, the Sheriff in Polk County decided to ask for the publics help revolving around this case. (and any child abuse case)

As you know more than 40 people have been arrested so far in this child porn sting and now the sheriffs office needs help.

Sheriff Grady Judd states they are working to identify the victim in this case. The sheriff wants to try to bring some sort of justice to those that have suffered the abuse. The detectives are reviewing the pictures and videos for any type of clues that may lead to the identity of the people responsible the videos and pictures.

The detectives realize that most pornographers go out of there way to hide the identity of the filming location and to hide the identity of those responsible, but the Polk County Sheriff is still in hot pursuit of those responsible.

The sheriff said “we urge, we beg, we plead” for the public to get involved and to report any suspected child abuse. The sheriff said they would rather respond to a 1000 calls that may not be true for the opportunity to save a child.

The dedication of this Sheriff to bring those to justice is awesome. We read every day about people being involved in such cases but very seldom do we hear about a continuing effort to bring those responsible to justice.

Maybe it is because the actual pornographers take such precautions to hide all the identity of the filming locations. Maybe it’s the lack of man power to continue with such an investigation, but hopefully with so many arrested maybe someone will talk.

Granted I don’t agree with any plea deal for any one involved in child porn, but if it gets those responsible for the content arrested and in prison it may be well worth a plea deal.

Anyway, if you have any information or believe you know about any child abuse case, especially in Polk County; please don’t hesitate to call your local police
department immediately.

Your call could be the one to save 1 child’s life.

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