Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yet another stupid criminal hard at work, sadly it wasn’t his job….

Out in Oakland, Ca we have yet another stupid criminal hard at work.

Antonio Fernandez Martinez, 21, of Oakland has been arrested.

Apparently Martinez did not think the police in his community was doing a good job of serving and protecting… So what would any quick thinking “smart” criminal do?

Go to work for the police department of course.

Now unlike most people, Martinez elected to skip over going to the police academy and decided to impersonate a police officer.

Now we do hear about this type of crime happening from time to time but Martinez made a mistake that a lot of impersonators seem to avoid.

Martinez was out on patrol in his black Ford Crown Vic (similar to the unmarked cars the police are using in that area) when all of the sudden he accelerated and even turned on some flashing lights on his dash. Martinez even went as far to paint some red and blue lights in the grill of the car. They did not turn out to be lights, but they were the speakers to the PA system he had in his car.

Now the stop…

Martinez pulled up behind a real Oakland Undercover Police Officer and made hand gestures for him to stop his vehicle. When the real officer got a look at Martinez scruffy look, he realized he wasn’t a real officer and he was able to radio other officers and they were able to get Martinez stopped and arrested.

Antonio Martinez was not charged for a misdemeanor charge of impersonating a police officer, instead the police will have his felony probation revoked and Martinez could end up back in the “big house” doing time all because he wanted to serve and protect….

Of course it seems Martinez received some law review before his arrest since he first denied trying to stop the officer’s vehicle. I’m not sure if Martinez realized he was trying to stop an undercover officer assigned to the vice/child exploitation unit, but later Martinez later claimed he thought the officer was a member of a street gang he was having problems with and wanted to see who he was.

Police think that Martinez has been involved in other incidents in other cities and they have notified other police departments of the arrest of Martinez.

More stupid criminals as always equals a quick arrest….

Maybe Martinez should stick to playing cops and robbers with the car in the picture..

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