Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Dillinger pistol was sold at U.S. auction….

And guess how much money the pistol sold for????

If you guess $95,600 you got it right….

A private collector bought the pistol belonging to the gangster John Dillinger.

It was reported that the gun sold for more that double the presale estimate.

The pistol was a Remington .41 caliber Double Derringer.

Some have claimed the pistol was found hidden in one of Dillinger’s socks when he was arrested in Tucson, Arizona in January of 1934.

Now today a private collector is the proud owner of a “gangster” gun that cost him a mere 95 grand.


Anonymous said...

I have the same pistol it was left to me by my father when he passed.would be interested in sell it.

Unknown said...

If you could link that gun back to Dillinger, you could also make an easy 90 grand...

Good Luck....