Sunday, July 26, 2009

Let the games begin… The defense has spoken… Defense claims there’s no proof of any rape at Walker Middle…..

Remember these guys?

Lee Myers

Randall Moye

Diemante Roberts

Raymond Price-Murray

The first post is located here and here

The lawyers for these teenagers that are accused of raping a classmate at Walker Middle school now claims there wasn’t even a rape.

How convenient for the defense…

The defense if claiming there was no medical evidence the boy was assaulted. Now I wonder what medical evidence the defense thinks should have been there?

Obviously there would be no DNA type evidence since the boy was assaulted with a broom stick and hockey stick handle.

I wonder if the defense has had the broom handle and hockey stick handle tested for the boys DNA….

Of course they haven’t. The prosecution may have had those tests done to see if they could find the boys DNA was on either handle.

But I think if I were the defense I would want to know the answer to those questions before approaching the media and claiming no assault even took place.

The defense is basing this on the fact that it took over a month for the boy to be examined by a doctor after he reported this to the police.

So is it games the defense is playing or could it be that there was no rape that took place? I guess we will have to wait on the court date to hear more evidence in this case.

These teens were all charged as adults. What are your thoughts on this case?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How Funny!!!!!

The games have begun in this case….

After the last information was released to the media, the courts decided to not make some of that information public.

The defense claimed there was statements his clients made that might incriminate them…

Wait a minute, I thought the defense was claiming there was not even an assault and if that is a true statement how could there be statements the defendants made that could incriminate them?????

There was a brief article posted on stating the courts decided not to make those incriminating statements public…

Go figure….