Wednesday, August 5, 2009

First Narcotics in Skittles and now a rat in Diet Pepsi…

Fred Denegri, 55, as most people was shopping at Sam’s Club and decided to purchase a 36 pack of Diet Pepsi….

When Denegri started to drink the soda he thought it tasted a little funny.

So he decided to pour out the Diet Pepsi and he noticed a slimy ribbon like substance coming out of the Diet Pepsi can. Then if that wasn’t bad enough he noticed what he thought to be a mouse stuck to the top of the can.

Federal officials are now investigation. So far they have been able to track the can of soda back to a manufacturing plant in Orlando.

Denegri denies becoming ill after drinking the “possible” rodent infested soda.

Should be interesting to hear the rest of this story once the investigation is complete.

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