Saturday, September 19, 2009

The joys of blogging……

I started this blog some time ago to cover a murder case that a lot of people were blogging about. Once the bloggers became so nasty, mean and vile in their comments and emails I decided that I would make some changes to the blog and hence

True Crime Cases by The Jakester was started…

Once I made that change to the blog I started following several different cases and as anyone knows that has been reading my blog,

I have some...

Pretty strong beliefs

Opinions that some may or may not agree with

And I still think our public safety officials should be held to a “higher” standard than most.

One thing I have learned over the years of blogging is I really cannot stand a man (or woman) that cannot post comments or send emails with a return email address or at the very least a name.

The anonymous posters, I have found over the years to be pretty much a bunch of spineless people that cannot stand up for what they believe in.

They can only sit at a desk (or use a laptop) and post anonymously.

Now in the entire time I have been blogging, I have never had my blog flagged by anyone even though my thoughts and opinions differ from some that read and post to my blog.

Now with my blog flagged, I don’t know what will happen with the blog. I have emailed blogger and asked them what that meant or what will happen to the blog and of course there has been no response.

So if they decide to disable or remove True Crime Cases by The Jakester, I have a domain name standing by and will move the blog to another location.

I don’t want to move or change the domain of the blog, since after all it is a free blog and I don’t make money from posting here, I really don’t want to have to pay to blog somewhere else.

However, pending the outcome of the anonymous flagger I am prepared to deal with whatever blogger decides.

And of course it just adds to my dislike for anonymous people.

And before you start yes I do post under the AKA name of The Jakester

However in emails and correspondence I use my real name and my real address.

I have even gone as far to meet some of the followers of my blog for lunch.

One follower traveled from NY to FL and wanted to meet. So we had lunch and were able to talk about a case I was covering at the time.

I have several people that follow my blog and are aware of personal medical issues going on with me right now.

I really have nothing to hide from anyone.

I’m a professional hard working guy and currently work 2 full time jobs.

I think I will see what other options are available for people posting to my blog.

The anonymous status on this blog is about over.

I don’t force anyone to read or agree with my thoughts or opinions.

But at the very least people need to stop hiding behind a computer and man up. Stand up for what you believe in.

If someone would have posted or emailed that they were going to flag my blog because… I would have had nothing but the utmost respect for their decision to do so…

However as it stand, it’s still my opinion that anonymous people are scared, intimidated, and over all just yellow belly so to speak.

I enjoy writing this blog and enjoy the comments and feedback I get all the time. I will continue this blog, even though it may not be here, True Crime Cases by The Jakester will continue.

For those interested, you can email me and I will send you the details and domain of the new blog if it comes to that...

I would also like to say Thank You to everyone that does follow my blog. Thanks for the time to post or email. I do have a pretty awesome group of people following my blog and you guys rock... You guys make blogging worth while to me.

Sorry for venting, but The Jakester has had all of the anonymous status that he can take...

1 comment:

Eccentric_Lady said...

The Jakester,

Man that sucked that happened, being flagged for some probably BS reason and didn't even bother of letting you know why they had done it.

Gah, what happened with dealing stuff on the lowest level first? I thought if you had beef with someone, you took it up with that person first. If there was no resolving of the issue it was from there you actually went 'up' and got someone else involved. *sigh*